think that its in the middle of the refresh?
Does any of you know why?
Video Games · Zaborn_1997
in THAT (overworld) world
Now fully geared in top-tier enchanted diamond armor, Yang Tao was practically unstoppable in his world.
Video Games · Gustina_Kamiya
chinese translated
Now, four out of the five members had spoken. It looked like Zhang Wenjing was also a transmigrator since she caught onto his joke.
Video Games · Gustina_Kamiya
copyright avoidance probably like the other comments said its subnatica
"Beautiful Water World", also known as "Deep Sea Trek", is an open underwater world adventure game. The vast majority of this game is set in the deep sea.
Video Games · pokelax
dont forget you two he is buying a FINISHED (or as finished as it got) product with instructions on how to MAKE EVERYTHING
"Huh... It's too time-consuming to develop games alone."
Video Games · pokelax
first day mantienence they were home made game systems got to make sure nothing going to catch fire and since he is already there....
After settling accounts, Zaboru prepared to leave, only to notice a sleek black sedan pulling up outside. His stomach dropped when he saw who stepped out.
Video Games · Zaborn_1997
true diferrent convo same basic message guess its sorta a sumary of last chater for those who just jump in here maybe?
Zanichi leaned back, pondering the question. "At first, I didn't think so. Systems like the Magnavox Odyssey got old too quickly, and I always believed video games belonged in arcades. But you've proven me wrong. Your home console is incredible. Once you graduate and want to expand your business, I'll support you. I've got a feeling you'll go far."
Video Games · Zaborn_1997
How the hell would bayonetta work considering a cinsiderable amount of her fighting style revlove around her magic and hair?
The woman on the page exudes an aura of confidence and danger, her striking features framed by a cascade of jet-black hair. Intricate silver filigree adorns her sleek bodysuit, which clings to her lithe, statuesque figure. She has piercing silver eyes and crimson-tinted glasses lend an air of mystery to her appearance, hinting at the power and elegance she possesses.
Video Games · Najicablitz626
hmmm then its not a lugia egg either...hmmm alohan vulpix?
Blaziken squatted down, grabbed the lock with both hands and yanked down the lock to break it open. When Kaizo saw the content inside the box after Blaziken broke it open, he became completely shocked. Inside the box was a pokemon egg.
Anime & Comics · UchihaSenjuKaizo
what kind of dance machine is that?
An employee demonstrated, inserting a coin and taking their place on the dance floor. As the iconic melody blasted through the speakers, the employee moved his feet to the rhythm, his steps sometimes precise, other times stumbling.
Lord of Entertainment
Movies · NewComer714