Himanshu002 - Profile



male LV 4

It is in despair that I see the fondest hopes.

2021-10-24 Beigetreten India

Abzeichen 4

Moments 1126


After merging with the other bloodline, it should become more OP


The current state of the Death Calamity Dark Blood Moon Bloodline wasn't its ultimate form. As he vanquishes foes and seizes their cultivation base, the bloodline's prowess will evolve.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA


Where is the problem caused by Burning Lotus karma? Is this karma thing a BS?

He continued, 'This seems like another substantial karmic thread. Yet, it might also signal a golden opportunity.' As these thoughts played out, a faint smile hinted at the edges of his lips.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA


He is going to demonize it seems


'Ah—! I yearn to kill... No, I can't succumb to this, I am a human, not a demon, not a beast!' Witnessing this scene, Gu Ran roared internally, his clenched fists trembling with rage. The shadows cast by his disheveled hair masked his eyes, which flickered with a complex interplay of struggle and pain.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA



"It seems our forces have likely clashed with Ji Mingxi and his group," Xu Yuqi mused grimly, before posing another question, "What about the other domains where spatial channels have appeared? Have any forces entered them?"

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA


Its Mingxiu if I remember correctly

'Ji Mingxi and others from the Purple Heaven Holy Land have already been inside for a considerable time. I need to hurry!'

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA

Replied to DaoistTh2gKR

I am the Fated Villain

"Ha! What opportunists you are! So pragmatic! Utterly heartless!" Fang Yuan's voice broke, and with a frenzied flourish, he tore off the Soul Embodying Ring. His face twisted into a mask of sheer terror, a chilling blend of madness and sorrow.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA



Each conflict would make him stronger, while the Yu, Gan, and Cai Clans would struggle to counter his might.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA



"I find that curious as well. It's been a long time since I've encountered someone with as much misfortune as you," Zhang San responded, casting a wry smile and a slightly sympathetic glance at Gu Ran. He shook his head, pivoted, and pivoted to leave.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA

Replied to darkking496

His cousin


He did not behead him though...


Now that Jiang Chen had pre-emptively slain and beheaded E Tianjue, Gu Ran could not do the same and absorb E Tianjue's cultivation base!

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA

Replied to Master_Celestial


"Ha! What opportunists you are! So pragmatic! Utterly heartless!" Fang Yuan's voice broke, and with a frenzied flourish, he tore off the Soul Embodying Ring. His face twisted into a mask of sheer terror, a chilling blend of madness and sorrow.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA


Demonic waifu(s)?


The majority of these demonic cultivators were females, interspersed with a handful of males. Each was marked by the tell-tale crimson hair.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA


Author... We need the truth... Not some half-a**ed s**t... But the complete explanation

Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Apocalypse Cheater

Apocalypse Cheater

Action · ADboy245


I hope there is a better explanation about why his mother left him.

Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Apocalypse Cheater

Apocalypse Cheater

Action · ADboy245


Peaceful harem is the best harem!


Jiang Chen chuckled, appreciating the aptness of the comparison. It perfectly captured Ji Ruxue's talent for preserving peace in the 'Harem'.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA


Bro... The sect literally abandoned their spy😭

And just as abruptly, the betrayer disintegrated, transforming into myriad particles that faded into the vastness of the heaven and earth.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA


Due to existence of traitors, shouldn't the Nether Demon Clan have access to the one devised by humans as well?


With growing clarity, he continued, "We should request a closer look at the formation held by the Imperial Extreme Heavenly Palace. It might give us a chance to discern any ties between them, the demonic beast tide, and the Nether Demon Clan."

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA


Another female-only sect? Waifu(s) incoming


Xu Xinlan, the esteemed Temple Lady of the Jade Lake Heavenly Temple, sat in counsel with senior cultivators from the Temple.

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Eastern · AlphaWIA

Replied to Joy_m69

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