Monsters, humans, war. Within their shielded cities of Technomagi, the humans live their lives in small boxes. Only venturing out of their bubbles with gunslingers or mages trained to defend against the beasts outside. Teleportation to other cities is normal, done through square boxes on rails that are housed underground.
These days, the disparity between humans and us has grown to a breaking point. In a single night: an entire nation of monsters vanished. A cloud and flash of light that all had seen. Only the strongest could survive against their might and stubborn ingenuity. Those terrifying, amazing humans.
We had laughed at first. ‘What possible danger is there? They’re just humans’. That was centuries ago by this point, of course. We all realized the moment we saw that metal tube fall. There is something that only a human can accomplish, through their ability to see light even in the darkest situation.
You don’t win against humans. You either die with them or live to serve them.
Actually made alcohol once in class. Didn't get to drink it ofc.
The Dragons Predicament
Fantasy · Faelyke