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2021-10-10 Beigetreten Global
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3 months ago

How does he knows what time is it now? Is the a calendar next to him?

Two days remain till the fateful death of Samael Ashwood, according to the timeline of the novel. As the realization of his situation sinks in, Samael is about to have a panic attack but he forces himself to take deep breaths, attempting to steady his racing heart and clear his mind. Panic wouldn't help him now. He needed to focus, assess his situation, and figure out a way to navigate this strange new world he found himself in.

I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Fantasy · Suryaputra_Karna01

3 months ago

What exactly he despises again?

But even as I unleashed my fury upon them, a part of me recoiled in horror at the monster I had become. What had I done? Was this truly justice, or had I become the very thing I despised?

I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Fantasy · Suryaputra_Karna01

3 months ago

Didn't he ran to the streets bellow? Did they follow him to the streets just to mock him? Is there a kitchen in the streets for him to get a knife?

Something snapped inside me—a primal instinct, a raw surge of emotion that overwhelmed rational thought. In that moment of madness, fueled by rage and despair, I reached a breaking point. Without hesitation, I turned and stormed into the kitchen, my hands trembling as I gripped the handle of a knife—a weapon forged not of steel, but of desperation and betrayal.

I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Fantasy · Suryaputra_Karna01

7 months ago

So those people will be platina the game for 1000 years. I know the player are imortal because it is a game but will they still be alive? Outside of the 4 races and the gods i suppose every one else will be diferent

8 months ago

I wasn't expecting for this one. Completele out of nowhere. Now just need to remenber puting the ship inside The divine kingdom in order to study it later

8 months ago

What was the last of the Five faces again?I don't remenber anymore

1 years ago

I knew it

However, now, I remembered why I had become the target of relentless bullying—the very reason my face was kept hidden. In this world, where beauty was often coveted and revered, possessing such features could prove to be a double-edged sword.

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

1 years ago

But none in the face i bet

Standing before the mirror, I couldn't help but scrutinize my own appearance. The reflection revealed a body adorned with countless scars; I couldn't help but notice how pale my skin looked, which reminded me of all the tough times I'd been through.

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

1 years ago

i really want to know why on these isekai novels the game devs would make a complete randon extra or an inconsequential sidevillain the most beaultyfull person in the world for no reason. Most of the times they end being more handsome then the suposed protagonist. A basic on the nose notion is try to desing the characters based on they backstory, personality, impact, importance, function, powers and other concepts. How did the devs came to the decision to make the randon extra sidevillain that die on the begining of the game some kind of beauty god

To explain my looks, the body of Astron Natusalune possessed an otherworldly beauty, with pale silver skin shimmering softly like moonlight. His hair, as black as the night sky, fell in long, covering his face with an emo look. That was the style he had made for himself, though I wouldn't prefer it, for now, this shape of long-duration hair was very hard to change.

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer

1 years ago

I'm thinking. Since he healled from all his injuries before the final clash. Doesn't this mean that he lost in a single strike when Nero pulle out his gift