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LV 4
2021-09-27 Beigetreten United States

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Replied to Hadjii

The third also didn’t do anything to help

Some say the Third allowed the villagers an outlet for their hatred by indulging Naruto's identity as the "demon fox."

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest



But also the potential future Iron Heart of this universe.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

Replied to Liu_Never_Dies


List the women you want included here:

A New Max Thunderman

A New Max Thunderman

TV · ArrowMaker15


He’s like 4

"Fugaku, isn't it a bit too early to let Itachi go to the battlefield? He's still so young."

Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Anime & Comics · lookar


The best looking version

Who is African-American in this universe by the way, and the spitting image of Kerry Washington from the Tim Story film.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever



"In regards to both of those matters I say it is none of this assembly's business." I spoke. Ignoring the shocked, and few angry looks, on some of the delegates faces at my words. But I care not. "Yes, you heard me right. And I say this because for years this institution, this body, did nothing as both my homeland and Sokovia were trapped in needless cycles of violence and disarray. You all sat here, turning your gazes away from both situations, and now you have the audacity to question my actions! You have no right!" I exclaimed. "But to placate your feelings I shall grace with a form of explanation in regards to my actions in regards to Latveria, and then in regards to Sokovia. First in Latveria, I simply liberated my homeland from the tyrannical rule of Vladimir Fortunov and his ilk. Who were unfit to call themselves royals. Seeing as how they served themselves and not the people. People like my mother and father. Who the Fortunov's killed. Leaving me alone without their warmth and comfort as I grew up in a hell. One I sought to change. And I did. Now Latveria is under my rule, under my protection, and I say now it will never experience such times as the reign of the Fortunov family again. Secondly, Sokovia was in much the same situation as Latveria before I helped to liberate it. Not only that but its former leaders were planning an invasion of my country. Along with our longtime ally Symkaria. They wanted both nations de-stabilized so they could claim them for their own. Unfortunately for them Latveria and Symkaria got wind of this plot and struck first. And seeing how ravaged Sokovia was I knew it was dead already. So I put it out of its misery. I let it rest, so that what remained behind could be turned into something new. Something better. And that is all I have to say about those two matters. Good day." I finished.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever


Ain’t that the truth

"Because it is the most advantageous alignment of circumstances," he said quietly, but every word carried weight. "If I hadn't helped you, you would have sought other paths to this power, and our Earth could not survive a second Victor von Doom."

Superior Reed Richards

Superior Reed Richards

Anime & Comics · Arcane_Eso


So the completely jacked one


The Green Goblin in this universe resembled his counterpart from the well-known Earth-1610, where every action was shrouded in terrifying power and madness. Using fire as his weapon, he announced another, even more frightening ability — incredible regeneration, close to immortality, making him not only terrifying but also nearly invincible.

Superior Reed Richards

Superior Reed Richards

Anime & Comics · Arcane_Eso



List the women you want included here:

A New Max Thunderman

A New Max Thunderman

TV · ArrowMaker15


Greatly appreciated

{End Note: I'm sorry that it took so long but I had people move in and my hours got increased so I lost even more time. To make up for no sex scenes last chapter, there's two here. Hope you enjoyed.}

A New Max Thunderman

A New Max Thunderman

TV · ArrowMaker15


He never does unfortunately

"What?" Kit looked at the meal and realised he didn't even read all the information. He had been too focused on the culinary points. He opened his interface and looked at the recipe. Kit's face froze as he realised Mars was right, then he noticed that there were more surprises.

Beginning the legend of Spartan Fire restaurant

Beginning the legend of Spartan Fire restaurant

Games · Jomegs

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