When I'm reading this chapter, my heart hurts.. I felt like, someone's was trying to squeeze it,, and it hard to continue reading.. but I need to know so i kept on.. but hey! It hurts!! 🥺💔
my Reaction when I read this . " wahahahaha" Literally, I laughed hard 🤣
"Shh. Are you the storyteller or am I?" Hadeon chided Mallory gently, fixing her with a playful glare. "So, the vampire and the princess enjoy their time at the ball, and all seems well until the next morning—when the princess is found dead, and a pair of fangs are left behind at the scene of the crime."
Fantasy · ash_knight17
Am I so bad, but I feel Im really excited that the Woman detective will finally meet Sylvester . .I'm rooting for them 😅.. But this kill really left me in shocked 😲
I have been thinking whose partner who .. 😁.any inputs guys?? 😁. but the story is so captivating that i wished to drag the days to see a new update hihi .Thanks Ash your so Amazing🤩
So hot . The Entrance hihi. wahhhh!! 🤩
A smirk played at the corner of the man's lips as he played with a pebble in his hand. He remarked, "It seems my aim hasn't lost its touch. Shame to interrupt the main event, but I do hate missing a good show."
Fantasy · ash_knight17
So intense... 🤩
Taking a deep breath, her trembling fingers found the edge of the coffin's door and pushed it upward. At the same moment, lightning struck in the sky, momentarily lighting up the ground, which briefly revealed a person inside the coffin, before darkness fell again.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
Is this the baron in synopsis who'll .... 😁. It means ML is nearrrrrrrr to show hahahha
we're getting there... 🥳
Rafael did not respond to her. Instead, he thought about his conversation with Giselle and what type of woman he wanted. There was not much he could deny any further that there was something about Annalise that he liked. Still, he hoped not to cross the line he had drawn between himself and his servants.
History · Violet_167
will start counting the dayssss 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
i have been keeping my self in opening this webnovel app so i won't feel frustrated seeing no update in this Story (sorry I'm just an avid and eager fan).. And do you imagine, my excitement may voice while keeping myself shouting seeing there's already an update!! I am so happy, that i fee like my heart leap out of chest and do some aerobics seeing the new chapters.. Thank so dear Ash.. we love love yah
Claimed by the Prince of Darkness
Fantasy · ash_knight17