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2021-08-17 Beigetreten Global
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1 years ago
Replied to dadaoist

saying that dumbledore didn't mention why he didn't mention RoR is weird, Hogwarts is huge, there are many places other than the RoR to hide things, the undercroft, the many secret rooms inbetween the corridors, and a lot more, but then again, it's Rowling's work, she's notorious for being inconsistent. "Then tell him", true, Dumbledore should just tell him, but you could argue that it's in Dumbledore's character's to do that, to only say vague things and make them find it themselves. it's the almost the same argument as 'why the trio didn't use the time turner to do anything', or 'why didn't the trio use the felix felicis on everything they had done in deathly hallows', because, as you said, for "a narrative purpose".

1 years ago
Replied to dadaoist

teaching troll to dance is a bad example on this lol. imagine this, what makes learning better and more fun? learning history by looking at books and words, hearing professor binns all day, or run around the castle, looking at the old artefacts and history pieces that Hogwarts have to offer in the halls?

1 years ago
Replied to dadaoist

again, from the looks of it, and the author mentioned in in the synopsis and the aux chapter, the whole point of this fanfic is to create an MC that is similar to that of the game's counterpart, you pointing it out and complaining about it is just weird, it's like you enter a brothel, being warned that you might get stds, yet when you got the stds, you complain about it.

1 years ago
Replied to dadaoist

justification? doesn't everything need justification? why does harry have a scar on his forehead? because voldemort marked him. why does Hermione thinks that house elf slavery is bad? because she came from the muggle society? why does the MC was given a field book? because he needs to catch up with his peers, to learn the theories that he hadn't learn for the past 4 years. in our point of view, sure, we know quite a lot of things, but we don't actually know how stuff works, the whole idea that us readers know about all the things in a fictional work and how the wizarding world functions is weird, because i'm willing to bet that even if we move to another country, we don't actually know the entirety of that country's culture, history, laws, and mindset of the people, let alone another world that has magic in it.

1 years ago
Replied to dadaoist

the whole idea of field guide in game is just so that the protagonist of that game to learn theories, histories, descriptions of plants and magical creatures, etc, while he was just walking around the place bro, you only see the field guide as a game mechanic in this case, not the in-lore prespective. it's literally explained in the chapter that it's to provide a more interactive experience so the MC could understand it more instead of just sitting in front of the desk all day and night reading and answering questions that will bore him all year.

1 years ago
Replied to dadaoist

what's the correlation with horcrux? knowing ror exists and knowing there's a horcrux in it is an entirely different thing, tbh honest i don't see how dumbledore giving hints to the mc that there's a RoR in seventh floor with the plot in game is similar. as for the point of dumbledore mentioning there's something interesting in the seventh floor, i think is that from the teachers' prespective, the mc needed a lot of helping hands to catch up with the others, so they gave some incentives to find help on that floor, without actually telling him straightly, that's quite obvious. and what's wrong with you and the game's plot points? why are you so salty about it, it's literally been told that this will be heavily inspired by the game in the synopsis and in the aux. you tolerate fanfics cliche like MCs entering RoR on their own but not subtly following the game's plot point?

1 years ago

nice, that's rare. funfact: the girl who played Pansy in PoA has Gaunt as her last name, which is pretty cool I guess

1 years ago


Without a second thought, I quickly took out a pot from my pouch, and pulled the plant from its soil. It was a seedling mandrake, its cries echoed throughout the vast and empty beach, and even if I was wearing earmuffs, I still needed to turn my ears away from it to minimise the damage.

Harry Potter: Legacy Keeper

Harry Potter: Legacy Keeper

Movies · edgy_incel

1 years ago
Replied to HangerBaby

well I think he had a point. if you played the game, once you use the killing curse once, do you want to go back on using other spells? all it takes is one try

A subsection about the Patronus charm exists in the Essential Mastery section, there is a warning before the subsection begins that if you want to keep using the Patronus charm, you must avoid using the Dark Arts and keep your heart pure therefore one must not study the last section of the book, or there will be dire consequences, which is awfully vague to be honest; how do you keep your own heart pure? By merely avoiding the dark arts?

Harry Potter: Legacy Keeper

Harry Potter: Legacy Keeper

Movies · edgy_incel

1 years ago
Replied to dadaoist

that's just false. the second fantastic beasts movie dumbledore stored the mirror of the erised in there and used it several times, the third one we saw him inside the room with that bell thing, and about that restroom thing, dumbledore only said that to make small talk in the goblet of fire, it doesn't mean that he didn't know it, maybe he pretended not to know to make the conversation going. and at this point, I think dumbledore telling him where to go even though he already knew it is more original than he himself goes to finding it, cause god knows how many fanfics I've read that have done that same thing over and over again