"Don't worry Sakura, I will always love you," Nise said to one of her bodypillows, and she caressed it lovingly.
Anime & Comics · Screm_Boi
Three Child Probabilities
Video Games · Screm_Boi
Two Child Probabilities
Video Games · Screm_Boi
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Video Games · Screm_Boi
This is primal Kyogre. But it’s more or less an mega evolution just called different since this was how kyogre looked like in old times which can be reawakened by the blue orb.
Pokemon: Kyogre( primal form lock)
Anime & Comics · Arceus_duke
Chapter 2: Set in Stone
Anime & Comics · Screm_Boi
Sorry i have been very busy with my life a lot has happened which I don’t wanna discuss any further but I am doing fine now so I’ll probably release a new chapter in the next few days. Thank you for asking and I’m again sorry for worrying you and everyone else.
"But you didn't answer my question," Netsu spoke after turning the hand to ash. "Is she made of-"
Anime & Comics · Screm_Boi
The one and only
Bloodcurdle: That's what a true hero does.
Anime & Comics · Screm_Boi
"...To be continued."
The most wasteful fruit among pirates
Anime & Comics · young_sunlight