Nico_Rupprath - Profile



male LV 4
2021-08-17 Beigetreten Germany

Abzeichen 12

Moments 532


so carlos family is worth about 350 million?

"That's not all!" Carlos interrupted him, bringing in more news. "About him still, this man is now worth about half as much as our family is! The most profitable bet in the history of the Nine Families Arena," Carlos said as he filled a cup, downing it in one go. "Oh, and about me," he stopped a second, turning to his father, "I now own 1% of our family's business, from my own money I earned."

Lucifer's Descendant System

Lucifer's Descendant System

Fantasy · Zhanye


massive frunk to fit the entire armor plus essences plis gifts

"Please check the trunk on the front of the car, your armor, essence and a few gifts from the other elders should be there," the woman said, before handinf him the keys and turning around to leave.

Lucifer's Descendant System

Lucifer's Descendant System

Fantasy · Zhanye


it's or the best if an imp weights as much as an adult that would seriously lobside the car and possibly exide its limit because 14 people are in a car for two

To leave, Noah had to unsummon the imps, since in addition to not wanting to stain his car with monster blood and sweat that the imps brought, his car only had two seats, which made it impossible to ride with so many monsters in so little space.

Lucifer's Descendant System

Lucifer's Descendant System

Fantasy · Zhanye



: PSN Resistance- 25 :  (NEW) 

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy


a yes cyn and brancie are restricted becasue their body cant handel the high amounts of gs but these two straight 50g resistence. btw why arent they using the hbtc anymore, could atleast use it to train gravity rrsistence if they dont want to leave the others in the dust

"The KIN thing? Apparently, as a unit, they can use 45g; impressive, but it won't affect us much. It's a good thing we abused the fuck out of our bodies early on, resulting in our Grav Resist reaching 50g. Even if the whole team turns on us and flattens our entire team, we will still be able to fight back." Nodding as he spoke, Leelan scrolled through several underground websites until he found a video shot by one of the Headmasters present during MyrkLys's attack.

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy


wait the m-cyn had been set to 35/70 i wonder

  -Your Primary Level has changed from Level 35 to Level Zero; the new cap is set to 50.-

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy


know as the darkest dark in a shadow

  -Your Tier-3 SAG Dark Affinity has Evolved into one of its Mutated Branches, Umbra.-

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy


so both got greatsword

  -Reward 2: Blue Print for Michael Demiurgos HolyFlame Greatsword, "White Flame of Death".-

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy


like live steal ?

  -Abilities: Advanced Durability, Medium Regenerative Capabilities, Sensitive to Life Energies, Extreme Level of Mana Manipulation, Ability to absorb Life energy to turn it into their own power.

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy


but hes still so young to get white hair. and yes i now it represents his affinity but still

If they had looked in the mirror after their evolutions, they would have noticed the minute differences in their appearances. Although subtle, they had both grown by a couple of inches, and their bodies had filled out a bit more. They no longer looked their age and instead appeared to be around 13 or 14 years old. Cynrik's hair had a few new streaks of red, and Brance had gained a few spots of white hair.

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy

Replied to TOG9

pov slave driver number one


  -This skill is not limited to any singular weapon and includes Short Swords, Long Swords, Great Swords, Axes, Sabers, Mace, Staves, Crossbows, Guns, Whips, Flails, and Wands. -

The Over-Break System

The Over-Break System

Fantasy · ScotchTy


so wind instead of earth magic? makes sense because one of them has a wind affinity

Then, Arima suddenly felt a great pressure weighing on him. He had to land on the ground to withstand it. "(This isn't gravity. It's atmospheric pressure,)" He remarked inwardly and glanced upward.

Life Hunter

Life Hunter

Fantasy · AhraManyu


yea lets just skip the fourth dimension not like it's probably also important

"That hypothesis is basically this. When you distort the space-time plane, you make two locations superimpose in the fifth dimension, which is a sort of unperceivable layer of the physical world, then connect them with a short tunnel."

Life Hunter

Life Hunter

Fantasy · AhraManyu


and there will be more

"The Kind Demon's Arts. That's how Arima calls it. He is currently in the process of creating twenty-five arts separated into five categories; blue arts, red arts, white arts, black arts, and destruction arts. This is one of the theories he created; a set of magics. Since they were thought in a really precise way and are bound by specific rules and chants, they are more powerful than most magics of the same magnitude. Each magic is basically a very intricately made magic equation that can be used by anyone as long as they can understand it. They even have peculiar quirks and boundless potential of growth," Night explained. "This is actually one of the reasons he accepted to be a teacher here. He needed some time to make it."

Life Hunter

Life Hunter

Fantasy · AhraManyu



"[Karma, Verto] (Change)," Arima chanted and Karma transformed into a greatsword. He swung it vertically and conjured lightning around it.

Life Hunter

Life Hunter

Fantasy · AhraManyu


around a sixth of russias width so still valid that iits he russia we know

Their domain was a thousand miles away. So Arima calculated that he would take around forty minutes to go there.

Life Hunter

Life Hunter

Fantasy · AhraManyu

Replied to Shadecam1

thx just wanted to look it up

But, after I spent a few weeks with him, it seemed more like he was simply bored. I got the feeling that though he was an Immortal like me, he had done it all before. You get that feeling a lot with the Avatars of Greater Gods who have regained some of their memories, a sense of ennui, but he was still working toward his goal, just in an unconventional way.

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku




Honestly, the chance of seeing monsters twice in one trip is pretty low; most vessels only see them once or twice a year and get attacked even less frequently. But it's better to be safe since Cain's luck runs both to insane benefits and increased danger chances. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


become spirit folk and the he gets 18x3 kone's which get 2 su's and alot of summons. possibly most broken combo

With the final upgrade, Cain can now call 18 supporters, assuming he doesn't use Ancient Resistance to triple whatever species he's picked them from. At the current time, one is constantly reserved for the Spider Queen who inhabits the lower levels of the Guild Castle along with her daughter Aramia, but that still leaves him more than enough supporters to work with. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

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