Despite the meticulous organization of Intramuros, a few beggars still roam the streets—between 2 to 5 beggars were observed during our walk. Though I felt a sense of sympathy towards them, I couldn't help but wonder—what could I do? Their situation isn't my fault, nor is it the fault of my ancestors. It's their choice to continue living in that manner.
History · Holy_Slayer
Palawan is a better pick for this as the Island is the second holiest site of the faith within the Butuan Empire, after Sooraj.
The Grand Council of Palawan convenes all Abbesses and Archbishops of the Aylashanism faith. Within this assembly, significant petitions and motions concerning the temple are discussed. However, decisions or actions taken by the Grand Council do not automatically gain acceptance. They undergo a more intricate process involving additional steps.
History · Holy_Slayer
Yeah. Formosa is Taiwan
It's a sobering realization, isn't it? Confronting the reality that this once powerful empire is now the subject of interest for stronger foreign nations. Even after the recent war with the Qing, the Japanese empire managed to gain control of Weihai, and Formosa fell under their authority.
History · Holy_Slayer
I change it actually on the succeeding chapters.
Note 2: I have also decided to change the word in regards of the Houses. Instead of calling the noble houses in the Empire of Butuan as Houses, I have decided to change it into Clan/s this is in connection on how the Southeast Asian and Asian Royal families call their noble and royalfamily.
History · Holy_Slayer
lol. hahaha
This made a huge damage towards Prime Minister Aguinaldo's reputation as tabloids like the Lobestar Tribune places the blame on Aguinaldo's weak command. Even the Lobestar Media Group's television channels blame Aguinaldo and his government on the failed attack, causing the people to lambasted Aguinaldo's name on the streets.
History · Holy_Slayer
Fr. The number of forces present in Burma alone made it impossible for the Siamese to send a huge number of soldiers.
On the Siamese side, they have already deployed 50 thousand and I was told that another 100 thousand is on the way to support their forces in Kwangsi. While in Korea, General Luna have reported that a total of 700 thousand Korean Imperial Army was already deployed since the start of the war and is currently preparing another 200 thousand to support their forces.
History · Holy_Slayer
Hahaha lol. That would be a nice scene to see
As he stopped before her, Maria reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. The simple gesture carried the weight of her hopes and expectations. "Tonight marks a turning point," she said softly. "Not just for our family, but for Russia. You must understand the gravity of what lies ahead. Russia is now on the verge of collapse and if you play your cards well, stabilizing this empire will be feasible."
History · Holy_Slayer
A scape goat is needed for mistakes to be credited to.
This made a huge damage towards Prime Minister Aguinaldo's reputation as tabloids like the Lobestar Tribune places the blame on Aguinaldo's weak command. Even the Lobestar Media Group's television channels blame Aguinaldo and his government on the failed attack, causing the people to lambasted Aguinaldo's name on the streets.
History · Holy_Slayer
It was easy for the House of Lords to accept the edict of the emperor but the House of Commons were not. With the Liberals using the businesses and the people's livelihood in exchange of war. But this was silence by Minister Ali Ahmadi bin Haji who states at, "Business or Freedom. Country or Self. Which will you choose?!"
Empire of Butuan
History · Holy_Slayer