"Absolutely. That's Edward," Enid swooned deliriously.
TV · Alittlepiggy33
(Current Appearance)
Anime & Comics · Shaka_Virgo
Nothing had changed. The history, the technology, the world itself, it was all the same. The only difference was the date: it was 1991. He had read all the books about history available in the orphanage, but if he wanted to be 100% sure it was a normal Earth, he needed to check a bigger library.
Anime & Comics · Kacper_Cwajda
A rare gem of a book........ I really like it...... thanks for the chapters ...Author.......
He full shadowcat from a metal container from a few galaxy ways....... i think
Once I fully assimilate Magneto, Sirzechs will have no chance if he tries to force me into something. Plus, with the Rod of Arafel in my hands, I have one of the best counters to any "dark" creature.
Anime & Comics · ZPrime
don't waste your money man........
Question: How's new Captain America : brave new world movie ?? Is it good? I'll be going to theatre to watch that on Sunday
Anime & Comics · Uzumaki_Kushina_21
Strength: 3,650 tons
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
i think the real name of the dark devil fruit would be void fruit when it will awaken ....... many abilities are suggesting that.......
He had already suspected that Jiger possessed a Devil Fruit ability, but he had never imagined it would be a **Logia**. And not just any Logia—but one tied to darkness itself.
One Piece: Three Devil Fruits, Beginning with Darkness
Anime & Comics · Zynos