Chaos_Master_153 - Profile



LV 15
2021-07-07 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 9

Moments 39



"O-Okay…" She muttered, unsure how to carry on the conversation. "So… Do you want to play a game? We don't have to practice anymore since father is busy…"

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord


*Starts learning physics: can easily create a trillion tonnes of Anit-matter, Earth go boom!

For example, creating a super bomb capable of destroying the entire Earth was beyond the realm of imagination, even with these abilities.

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Anime & Comics · Poka_Poka

Replied to Mockingbird_2179

Turns back into air after swallowing, so gives you really bad wind instead!

Because the cup does not permanently change food, but only converts the air in the golden cup into the desired food or drink. Which will become air again shortly after. The food and drinks in the cup just give you a taste and cannot really be used to satisfy your hunger.

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Anime & Comics · Poka_Poka


So, he can bring a magic sword to a magic gun fight! 🤣

I met Sebastion's eyes, suddenly needing a bit of father-in-lawly commiseration. He just smirked at me, "Actually, 'Interesting' is Fleur's middle name. Welcome to my world, Atlas. Treat them well. And always remember… father with a magical sword."

The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]

The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]

Book&Literature · Daddy


as the unicorn cast the spell, wouldn't that make Arthur the pet 🤔😂

It seemed that the little unicorn had completely recognized Arthur as her master. He decided to give her a name.

HP: The Gray Sorcerer

HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Anime & Comics · Abyssuit


Sounds like a good way to remove a magical community from existence!

It was hard to ignore the fact that despite being registered in the ministry Nazgul , who was a ringbeast(A/N: That's what I'm calling the species) , was a huge unknown to the rest of the world and might cause him problems when he travels about in the future. The trafficking of magical beasts was a seriously regulated and stern matter. If some mistake was made during the paperwork needed to travel to other places he would be looking at a very hefty fine or even imprisonment while Nazgul was detained or flat out executed.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


Jr was my second thought when system said 1 parent was insane, but with the hints at Padfoot being one of them, I'm now thinking either Jr or Pad was gender switched. 🤔

We took our seats. I ended up at the end of the group's seating, next to Hermione and Heather, with Heather sitting closest to me. The suspiciously empty chair and the House Elf occupying it were on my other side. That arrangement stayed persistently in the back of my mind for some reason. Something about the empty seat was bothering me and I couldn't figure out why… It was almost as if the air in the seat was looking at me intently and, dare I say, nostalgically…?

The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]

The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Complete]

Book&Literature · Daddy

Replied to Fraisier

With how the original was super authority driven, this seems the expected outcome.

"Before I went to meet you, I also went to the home of another girl named Hermione Granger, and by the time I got there, the girl's parents could no longer remember that they had a daughter."

In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat


couldn't a unicorn clone be made using the pool of unicorn blood he has?

X)(Extra) It's not safe to do it, but you wanted to make Red take equine form instead of Elise changing to human

Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard

Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard

Book&Literature · Emanuel_Alegre


Shame really, that muggle-borns wouldn't be able to see the Team Rocket reference till the show starts during his 6th year.

I put on my black jersey and felt like Team Rocket for a moment. I left my room a good while later, taking the time to walk around the castle, do a few simple things, say hello to passers-by, and get thanks from some girls for the sweets, although some of them looked at me differently because of the candies shape.

Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard

Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard

Book&Literature · Emanuel_Alegre


The rainbow has 7 colours due to Newton liking the number 7, and inserted Indigo before Violet.

A former apprentice of mine once pointed out that I was wrong because the rainbow had seven colors. I was quite disappointed in him. Other than the color black, every color exists in a rainbow as long as the planet's solar star is white rather than red or blue. The reason a rainbow is divided into seven colors is that the value of the number seven existed before the dividing of colors, so seven's imaginary value actually predated the universal identification of the colors of the rainbow on many planets.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

Replied to Rexburn12

The god they named the dwarf-planet that can be called the last straw of Pluto's planethood status! I think the name is fitting.

"Fuck!" I say immediately as we all recognize the power from one of the most ancient powers, Chaos, who goes by many names. But is commonly in her form of Eris, the greek version of chaos.

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Movies · Anomander_Adaar

Replied to CanofSpite

pre Harry's first year, the reason can be summed up in 1 word: Snape.

At the end of the year, Harry practically sailed through the exams and as usual, stood first in their year while Daphne and Padma Patil were tied for second and Hermione Granger took the place of third. Hermione was furious that she had not come first, but no one paid much attention to that. While Slytherin managed to win the Quidditch cup much to Gryffindor's dismay, Ravenclaw managed to win the House Cup because of all the points Harry had been awarded during the year. There was a huge celebration as Ravenclaw hadn't won the cup for many years now.

Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord

Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord

Book&Literature · Moon_Lord_

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