"You're so soft." She whispered near his ear. He wanted to feel more. He pressed into her hands more, her fingers scratching against his chest gently. He whined sweetly at the feeling. He heard a light giggle from her direction and soft thudding of his tail against the ground.
Fantasy · Brittany Heiden
I like that she has such a sweet and cute friend~
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Fantasy · A_Campbell
"Goddess, provide me strength so that I don't strangle him." Alpha rubbed his forehead. Ivory spit the tea she was drinking as she chuckled.
Fantasy · Gungunr
This is the funniest chapter yet~
This dialogue here... Lmao~ Love how cute the siblings are~
"I have already waited for five seconds and now I am letting myself inside." She announced before barging in. They came face to face with each other before Anwar started clapping slowly. "Congratulation dear "sissy" for invading a kingdom called "my privacy". I am so proud of you."
Fantasy · Gungunr
This is the cutest thing I've ever read~
He paused a couple feet in front of me before rolling onto his back, revealing the soft fur of his underbelly and ultimately exposing his neck. I stood up straight, tilting my head at him in confusion. He let out a little barkyelp before slowly coming closer.
Fantasy · Goddess-Of-Dawn
Thank you for your kind support~
So far, I'm already liking this spunky FL~
Bending my head down lightly, I squinted my eyes closer to his cheeks and neck to see the faintness of a blush appearing there as well. Thanking God I decided to use my good perfume that day as I pulled him a little closer.
The Twin Alphas' Muted Luna
Fantasy · Tina Freemoon