JustAnotherGuy_1 - Profile



male LV 12
2021-07-03 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 9

Moments 843


Nah bruv I would have killed there ghosts already

"We were bored, so we were looking at you while you were sleeping," Isabella said, tilting her head.

Ghost Rider in Twilight/TVD/TO

Ghost Rider in Twilight/TVD/TO

Fantasy · Sanjay_K_L

Replied to Lc_The_Second


Shiva: Lastly, I want to have the appearance of Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen, along with all my memories.

Ghost Rider in Twilight/TVD/TO

Ghost Rider in Twilight/TVD/TO

Fantasy · Sanjay_K_L


even the original did better than this

I did everything I could to fight back but it was clear that I was always a little behind them. I was barely keeping up.

More than a Dragon Warrior

More than a Dragon Warrior

Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn


Like an essay

"I know it isn't pleasant to hear sir. I am sorry for reminding you of such unfortunate events. But you have forgotten that for all your strength and knowledge, it is still their own decisions. You can try to guide them onto the path you believe is right but, at the end of the day, they may not see that path as the one right for them. It is both the greatness and horror of free will. But each person choses the path they take. Others can only show them another one and attempt to convince them to take it, but it must ultimately fall to each individual to chose and live with the rewards and consequences of that choice. Others can feel bad, guilty and accountable for it, but it is never truly their fault. And the reason I disagree with your statements is because of the path I want to take is so different." I explain to a very tired, but now thoughtful man.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey


mate is 50 percent muscle 50 percent blubber

For Tristan, he was just warming up as he felt pretty exertive today. He could see Malia and Allison in the stands so he waved at them, and far off to the other side of the field he spotted Boyd being inconspicuous which was kinda hard for a black boy with an impressive physique like him. In fact, Boyd was one, if not the most, muscly stacked boy in school. 



TV · Draul_TheOminous


it's weird how James was the sissy one in the beginning and now I'm starting to prefer him over the MC

"Alright. Enough of the sappy stuff because we're almost at Hogsmeade and should get ready." Announced James trying to snap everyone out of it.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey

Replied to bob_the_building

yea the wolves had spikes thrown through their legs and the animals were made to kneel handled differently based on the situation this handled fairly in both cases

"You can't let a madman make you fear him Christian. His goal would have destroyed Britain's magical community and who knows what he would have done after. He was mad and didn't have any actual goals except ruling over others in a bid to feel superior. That's actually one of the reasons i avoided you after that incident, I felt like I acted like him and it disgusted me." I said with a slight bow and a sorry look.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey

Replied to Endless_Crow

it's what the comment section is for mate to comment if you don't like it switch off

But both of them stopped yelling at each when they saw the tears coming out of my eyes. It wasn't out of sadness, I was just so glad and relieved that these two were my friends that I couldn't stop the tears.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey


Hagrid also died RIP

'I was happy to see Alan Rickman is alive and well in this world.' I thought after seeing our dear potions master.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey

Replied to SKAJ


It was quite shocking to see the results. My two cores had almost fused into one, but kept a small barrier between the two, with both filled with different colored liquids: one golden and the other silver. And well, it basically looked like yin and yang, with the whole thing being around the size of a large softball and the liquids inside moving with their rotations.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey

Replied to Zikiziki

most of the harry potter story if he doesn't go to hogwarts he might as well not have gone to the harry potter world in the first place

Potions: hehehe. I'm sure that I'm ready for Snape after this. I mean I respect the guy quite a bit. He made many mistakes in his life and he knows it. He's also suffered a lot from when he was young, to his school years, until finally loosing the love of his life to another and then to death itself. He his one of the only truly repentant human beings I've ever read about. But he's a shit teacher. As my response, I got to almost N.E.W.T level in potions. My tutor was so enamored with me that she tried to beg aunt Amelia to let me be her apprentice. Guess brewing a bottle of Felix Felicis will do that to a potions master.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey


"I can save her"

A man in full black robes, wearing a silver mask akin to a dead mans face, with ornate design near the eyes and on the forehead. It made it seem as if snakes were coiling themselves on the mans face, emphasizing the madness in his eyes. Besides him was a tall woman with long, thick, shining black hair. She had thin lips, dark, heavy-lidded eyes, and a strong jaw. He tight black dress and black boots added to her presence as someone you saw herself above others. And she truly believed she had nothing to hid since unlike the man, she did not have a mask, showing clearly the most famous or infamous and devoted death eater; Bellatrix Lestrange, looking almost as she did in the movies, only younger.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey



What? I've only got 10 points in my INT and WIS stats, my calculation abilities are only enough for the average adult male. I can't do complex calculations like the original Accelerator can, at least, not right now. So the most I can do it slightly change the direction things are going in by touching them.

Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Anime & Comics · DJDAN



I began fucking Ephildis like no tomorrow as my cock was literally fucking her womb while her womb was sucking my cock in return .

Wives:Hentai Summoning

Wives:Hentai Summoning

Anime & Comics · TheSlothfulKing

Replied to Lore_Gaming

or just regular plate armour as it's shown their weapons aren't the best at penetrating

Yet, pit them against a truly prepared enemy, one fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses and they died just as easily as those they slaughtered.

ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

Book&Literature · FitzMagna

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