2 seconds is really long time for people moving at light and lightning speed. So it should have been at most microseconds and not even a millisecond.
I saw as he entered in the force field I saw that also did something which I don't know increase his speed but still his speed is only one-tenth of the speed of flesh. Barry goes for a punch In the abdomen. Next, something I saw which shocks me was when his punch landed his arm completely broke, this was never happening as even if I take damage at such speed he is fine not even a scratch just blood and his clothes were destroyed where flesh punched. and from the shock and pain, Barry loses his momentum as his speed deactivated A golden portal opened in front of the man and a very sharp sword comes out of it and the man takes the sword and cut Barry's legs off. And this happened in 2 seconds.
Anime & Comics · GodOfGreedAs
He is a simp for Kingslayer.
"As for the seventh position… I have it reserved for someone who is not currently present. However, I am not done making appointments."
Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven
Wow! so smart he can now tell direction.
"Haa, of course I wouldn't understand. It was made by a Galvan, after all," he mused. "Fine then," he said as his eyes lit purple. "I'll just use a Galvan brain." He used Grey Matter's super mind to understand what he was seeing. "Ohhh! I'm currently heading south at a 30-degree angle," he exclaimed, now able to make sense of the display. "Hmm, so this is what it feels like to be smart," he mused. He deactivated his armor and stopped channeling the Galvan mind, using partial transformation.
Anime & Comics · Writing_when_bored
This was said By Liam Neeson.
"I will give you a chance, Drury Walker to right your wrongs. I expect you to wait here and surrender yourself to the cops. Tell them everything and I mean EVERYTHING but remember, I will be listening. If you try to weasel out of your deserved punishment, I will know and I will find you. I know everything there is to know about you. There is nothing you can do to fight me or ever escape me. I am vengeance itself. I will find you and I will make you suffer pain so unimaginable that you will wiggle, and you will beg, praying for the sweet release of death. But I won't allow you that release. And if somehow, you succeed in killing yourself, you won't find peace when you wake up in hell... You will find me." Batman announced in an exceptionally chilly and grim voice. "Remember Drury, I am always watching. From every shadow, every nook, every corner, every dark place that you can possibly imagine, I am ALWAYS WATCHING.... Don't let me regret sparing you or you will regret ever being born." He finished his words before turning back towards the direction of the entrance.
Anime & Comics · God_Doom
While story is good, it feels like it was AI written.
How did mother passed before baby was born? 🤔
Can you write pateron promotion in start and end of the chapter. Don't put them after first and before last paragraph.
Why was first Chakra control exercise Tree walking when first one is leaf sticking to forehead? Also why are all ninjas on their genin level just entering the academy. They couldn't perform their family jutsus at that age.
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1. A Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) fanfic. This story would follow a regular Earthling who uses his knowledge of the movies to grow and become powerful, exploring different corners of the MCU universe along the way.
Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
Book&Literature · TalesByJaz