Ateeb_Ahmed_6204 - Profile



LV 4
2021-06-17 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 4

Moments 643

Replied to DaoistJVjJ4d

i have seen the name "Blood Meridan" a lot recently,is it good? where can i read it?

At this moment, under self-loathing and the fanning of nameless rage, Seraphina should have completely lost her sanity.

A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

Fantasy · POWER_

Replied to Solw

bro, what are you saying she gets humiliated a lot by mc

"What do you mean by 'let's attribute it to'... I am formidable, all right! Marli, Marli! I'll soon become famous in the Red Frost territory, no, I'm already famous in Red Frost!"

A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

Fantasy · POWER_

Replied to _True_FALLEN_god_

there is a reason why this quote exists "Love is blind"

I heaved a sigh. According to the story of the novel, the attitude of the 5 girls changed due to a series of tests that Ye Xiu showed them. Although the evidence was not definitive, that seed of doubt was planted in their hearts. Added to the unreasonable affection they felt for him, the seed grew slowly. Because of this, the relationship deteriorated between the man and his disciples. Mo Hei Xin, knew deep in his heart that there was no longer affection in their gazes. But he refused to believe that even the daughters he raised since childhood were also going to betray him.

Demon: Peace in the Dark

Demon: Peace in the Dark

Eastern · Daimon_5

Replied to Airelda

well,i dont think this guy is an expert in lucid dreams to know this.I only know one thing about dreams is that you can wake up with the help of pain

I just turn around and walk up to the dorms without hearing her reply. If she thinks I am gonna waste my time sleeping inside a dream, then she is sorely mistaken.

HP: The Dream

HP: The Dream

Book&Literature · Knight_Wolf

Replied to Greeninja4448


"Yes... yes, yes! My devil, my... master!"

A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines

Fantasy · POWER_


bro, dont start World War 3,we already have enough wats going around

Last time there was an essay topic on advocating patriotism, over time my essay turned to be about China's expansion proposition. I wrote about "First we should attack India because they're weak as hell, also the land is very fertile, afterward we can use that land to supplement China's impoverished areas."

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

Realistic · Synian


bro want John Wick treatment 😭

Haha, you're sad, aren't you! I'm going to step on you for the entire lesson! Be angry! Explode! Kick me in the knees, hit me on the head with your textbook, stab my eyes with your pen!

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

Realistic · Synian


hmm. sure ... they are underestimating police....

You guys are underestimating the police! Can I still be sitting in class if I have already killed tens of people?

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

Realistic · Synian


never heard of tsundere?

"Don't tease me! Are you saying you bullied me before because you liked me?"

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

Realistic · Synian

Replied to 3ddy

getting hit in a ball is a ritual for boys to grow to be a man

"Um... You should know that I don't have any characteristics of a girl because I've spent a long time as a boy. At one time I even questioned my own gender, and I've had thoughts of living the rest of my life as a boy. I had a lot of fun playing with you guys back then. Since the boys even played perverted games like 'monkey stealing peaches', I had to stuff socks in my panties to prevent from being exposed... In the end, the breasts that I thought would never grow, finally came out..." (TN: Monkey stealing peaches is where you grab another dude by the testicles... Not sure how you would play this or why...)

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

I'm Not Going To Be Bullied by a Girl

Realistic · Synian

Replied to Blak_cherry

no, i meant they could have used unofficial name when they were alone,they wont even notice it

He didn't have a name. Names were sold just like anything else in this world. Only those who had either money or power could get names.

I am a devil in a strange world

I am a devil in a strange world

Fantasy · Blak_cherry

Replied to UBI_Master

you are not the only one suprised by this

His mother must be in search of him by now. Not that she wanted to protect him. She wanted to protect others from him for he was a demon, the devil's incarnate.

I am a devil in a strange world

I am a devil in a strange world

Fantasy · Blak_cherry


this still makes much more than the mc having black hair or unique eyes being called devils

"What do you mean witchcraft?" Maria was already in uncontrollable tears. "You are the only one who knows the most I have been through. I have always experienced stillbirth any time I had a child and now that this one is alive but has red skin, you call it witchcraft?"

I am a devil in a strange world

I am a devil in a strange world

Fantasy · Blak_cherry


i mean, does it really matter? You can use a nickname or unofficial name.Its not like they will know it?

He didn't have a name. Names were sold just like anything else in this world. Only those who had either money or power could get names.

I am a devil in a strange world

I am a devil in a strange world

Fantasy · Blak_cherry

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