you told us, try to complete story in this book why next sequel ? when update?
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Urban · Greenlion421
now there is nothing but intimate moments between them😅 i want her sister came into more chapters 💜 I really like her fearless behaviour towards Hercules 😎
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Teen · Greenlion421
neha is whipped 😜
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Teen · Greenlion421
angelXdevil love but mostly devil changed but in this story angel world destroyed first than devil😉 it's gets more interesting 😜🙂 I love it, we have a strong female lead 💪
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Teen · Greenlion421
it's not the right time to cry for him neha we want his distraction not physically but emotionally
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Teen · Greenlion421
who is Bella?? Tom see's his girl in neha.. I hope Tom wish listened by God 🙏
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Teen · Greenlion421
neha plz remember everything and find Vikram and get revenge from that Dracula
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Teen · Greenlion421
herculas is such a psycho I want him regret very badly🤬 neha 😭 and where is Vikram? ❤️💜take care author 💜❤️
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Teen · Greenlion421
aww demon is worried for her🤭 but don't know what he do with her in future 😌
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Teen · Greenlion421
Chalk and Cheese
Urban · Chhavi Gupta