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Movies · RetMod
Let’s hope I don’t also catch monkeypo- I mEaN wHaAaaAaaAT?
C100 Howard Stark
Movies · AlienWarlord
*Catches from MightBeGay*
C100 Howard Stark
Movies · AlienWarlord
With the world informed and Abomination under lock and key, Peter was finally able to return home and sleep. The only one of the Avengers that wasn't sleeping by this point was him and Fury.
Movies · AlienWarlord
You know, for a guy who has a near hard on for correcting people, you sure seem to be wrong quite often.
"Okay... My name is Yue Kurama, but I prefer to be called Luna" Luna said
Anime & Comics · Joao132135
Bro never got to see his wishes fulfilled.
C200 Woohoo!
Movies · AlienWarlord
1000 = 10 Okay, the….
The number of spies she's weeded out of the Allied forces that came looking for Steve can't be counted on both hands, and that's only the spies she has dealt with.
Movies · AlienWarlord
Not with that attitude you’re not!
"We're not having any children!" MJ snapped, her embarrassment clear to everyone in the room.
Movies · AlienWarlord
Same here
"Alright girl, I need you to take this to the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. If he agrees, feel free to stay with him until he comes get me. If not come back so I can figure out how to leave." Harry instructed as he attached the letter to her.
Movies · LegendaryChaos
Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet