

LV 4

I like to read things.

2021-04-15 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 8

Moments 239
6 days ago
Replied to WafflyMirror

i fact i think it would be funny if he preferred raw meat/the style of eating as an animal to human food if/when he gets a human form. (I hope he doesn't get a full human form. He can decive(like jedi mind trick them or illusions) to look human but at max the closest I think he should get to human is a kitsune form.) Just me rambling write what you want.

Miles wasn't sure if he would get disturbed by these actions later on, but it was something he had to do to ensure his survival here.

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Anime & Comics · Aht

6 days ago

i hope he dont. to many nonhuman mcs start cooking their food the moment they get fire manipulation/magic. so hes already better than then in my books.

Miles wasn't sure if he would get disturbed by these actions later on, but it was something he had to do to ensure his survival here.

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Anime & Comics · Aht

7 days ago

oh yeah, looking real balanced here bud.

11 days ago

so are we gonna pick up with Viole or are we getting some oc stuff before that?

End of Volume One~ Vistas of the Test Floor.

Tower of God: Sequence Strength

Tower of God: Sequence Strength

Others · Yesnth

11 days ago
Replied to Deus_Dakota


"Eh?" Bam blurted out as his feet lost their footing. Rachel stood on her legs, her arms in a pushing motion. "Rachel?"

Tower of God: Sequence Strength

Tower of God: Sequence Strength

Others · Yesnth

11 days ago

golden fox? I think thats where i saw something like this.

Miles' eyes lit up, ignoring the bloody stench assaulting his nose and the dripping blood coming off of his lips as he saw those notifications appear. 'It really did give me the [Consume] skill.', Miles mused. 'Excellent. I've read various stories where this Skill could give experience points, stat points, rare Skills, and so on. It's only Level 1 now and likely doesn't even have a 10% chance to grant me a new Skill. I am curious to see what kinds of Skills Geese can give me too. There were ten left, so there was a decent chance I could get at least one Skill from them. I'm also glad this skill isn't affected by Luck. For now, it looks like it will only give me a boost in experience. The question remains though, does it only trigger once, or does it continue to trigger until I'm done with my eating?', Miles wondered.

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Anime & Comics · Aht

11 days ago

"just because Mt Everest was discovered in the 1800s didnt mean the mountain didnt exist."

Canadian Geese were first spotted all the way back in the 1700s.

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Anime & Comics · Aht

12 days ago

so what im hearing is only level at night

 -Special Effect 1: During Daytime, gain extra two Stat Points upon Level Up. During Nighttime, gain extra three Stat Points upon Level Up.

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Marvel: Midnight Fox

Anime & Comics · Aht

12 days ago
Replied to BoredDaemonGod

So if i remember right, Rachel does not meet the requirements to climb the tower. the only reason she made it into the tower was because she was between bam and the tower door when it opened for Bam. She thinks she's the special one who opened the door and that Bam is just following her like he always had. I'm unsure of her reason to ditch Bam, especially in such a way like this(this is basically a murder attempt). but later she does realize the she's not the special one and then get jealous of Bam for being able to do what she can't. overall her character is a selfish and self centered person who can't accept that Bam who always looked up to her and followed her around is now the one in the better position. Like an ex that wants to see you suffer even though she cheated on you and that you have moved on(Idk if Bams moved on in this situation though)

"Eh?" Bam blurted out as his feet lost their footing. Rachel stood on her legs, her arms in a pushing motion. "Rachel?"

Tower of God: Sequence Strength

Tower of God: Sequence Strength

Others · Yesnth
