Best weapon to use against an earth golem too lol
"That's the last of these basic ones big sis. I know you said any wraith would be acceptable but these guys are barely combatants. They look more like farmers given a few pikes, hell that last one was using a damn shovel, are you sure they'll work?" Asks Iron as she finishes wrapping the third wraith in chains and putting it in one of the cages with its other two friends. I can't get info on the wraiths until they enter my dungeon but just by looks alone they're way different than what I expected. They look like a normal person but they have no colors on their forms,, just a glowing blue or green light. Their skin and clothes are almost see through and the outline of their skeleton is very obviously able to be seen. The three that the group finally decided on were two blues and a green wraith that were marching in a circle around a demolished statue in the nearby ruins. The two blues wore very basic armor and carried pikes while the green wore barely any leather and used a worn shovel as a weapon.
Fantasy · Bietarnu
Though the Druid ended up making a pact with a demon and becoming a warlock later
"So let me get this straight, you expect a magically spliced warrior, a magic gecko, a cowardly ghost spider, and a child to go outside and bring back living creatures as well as explore dangerous area's in the hopes of finding anything interesting? Sounds like a hell of a party lets do it!" Tyr says excitedly as the rest of the group nod their heads. Quickly I spawn four bags of holding and several other pieces of vital equipment.
Fantasy · Bietarnu
I feel like I had a dnd group just like that though it was a Druid an oni warrior and a dragon taming child
"So let me get this straight, you expect a magically spliced warrior, a magic gecko, a cowardly ghost spider, and a child to go outside and bring back living creatures as well as explore dangerous area's in the hopes of finding anything interesting? Sounds like a hell of a party lets do it!" Tyr says excitedly as the rest of the group nod their heads. Quickly I spawn four bags of holding and several other pieces of vital equipment.
Fantasy · Bietarnu
When did she decide they were married
"Ok granted the child has potential in that regard. And I understand your feelings Kyle, but you also have to remember that we're in this together. You can't just make decisions without me all the time, especially when it could effect us both negatively. Just for big decisions run stuff by me please?" Tilly asks as I agree and an awkward silence between us follows.
Fantasy · Bietarnu
What tattoo
'Calm down Tilly and let me explain first and then you can get mad ok? I remember that before I was a core I was human, and a lot of the stuff we've done isn't stuff that would be normal to a human. I know that I'm not but I feel like I have to hold onto some sense of who I was and one of those things means we don't kill kids unless they're like super dangerous or something. Plus I figured she might be useful, think about it Tilly! She's a kid right now which means she's easy to teach stuff too. We can train her maybe and I can use my skill to bless her and we can have a perfect person to represent us outside the dungeon! Plus if we keep our promise to her she'll respect us and spread the word of our dungeon so we have more than bandits afterwards.' I explain sheepishly as Tilly tilts her head in thought before smiling maliciously.
Fantasy · Bietarnu
But it’s interesting right?
"Wants us to follow it and it doesn't seem like a normal mob. I've heard of this from one of the veterans back at base, that dungeons aren't just supposed to challenge out fighting abilities but also morality, intelligence, cunning, and many other factors. Stay on guard but we're following this little one." Anissa says as Ro follows along behind her, Jogur staying in the smithy and continuing to loot as the remaining bather's and Tyr wait patiently to move on.
Fantasy · Bietarnu
That capybara has a better love life than most people
Finally my last two rooms are kinda junky. Turns out that my core room is counted as one so I'll always be stuck with one less room than my maximum but the second I chose to lose. The second room is connected to my core room with a short hallway that leads to an extremly long and wide room, several kilometers actually, that is completely empty. This is going to be a room dedicated to my Pacted and sentient bosses that need actual homes instead of just places to sleep. Spooky just sleeps in his new room and has even started a relationship with the ambusher castyr as I've seen them cuddling and playing in his boss room. Shank isn't sentient and doesn't even sleep really, he just stands in place until someone enters his area and then he becomes active. Most of the mobs do this with the exception of some of the older ones such as the bats and castyr who act more like their normal counterparts. Slax and Banshee are sleeping in the core room with me and Tilly for now until we can get some actual good materials for me to build with, then I promised I'd spawn him a house with a stable big enough for Banshee as well as a pen for his castyr guard.
Fantasy · Bietarnu
Oh I thought it’s partner died
{Species-Ghostly Widow Description-An evolved giant black widow that has absorbed and integrated the souls of the dead into its body. Sacrificing it's venom it has gained the ability to shrug off most physical damage, although this leaves it lacking in offensive abilities forcing it to follow stronger or more dominant creatures for survival}
Fantasy · Bietarnu
A storm is brewing
"I've done many things I'm not proud of. ' Zach's thoughts against the cold pavement were fleeting. The night sky and brewing clouds had never seemed so far and yet so low before.
Fantasy · Peas_and_Carrots
The group is surrounded by several scritchers, I'm assuming, as they have their backs to each other and Sarah stands in the middle of everyone with her Summon next to her. These creatures are lanky and skeletal, their skin tight against their frames as their arms hang low and seem to be double jointed at the elbow. Their backs are hunched while they walk in a semi squatted position, standing straight would have them measure at at least two meters. Their faces are wrinkled with rotting teeth inside their jaws, humanoid features dress their faces except their noses seem to be missing and are just holes and their ears are pointed and long. Their eyes are all sunken into their skulls and have a milky color to them, yet the creatures seem to be able to see perfectly fine as they leap around the group while lashing out with their spindly fingers that end in sharp nails.
Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
Fantasy · Bietarnu