thats my school but having 50 % is already good we had more than around 80 people in 2 classes now we have around 40 and 8 more will most likely go this year
Admitting over a thousand freshmen and then eliminating half of them does indeed filter out the stronger students. But such a system is essentially built on the shattered dreams and bleeding hearts of countless young children.
Anime & Comics · Godlancelot
I don't know why but I can't imagine a mecha that is more practical than a fighter they cant be faster and doing easily movable mecha must be a nightmare since you can't put much on the arms you need many movable parts you cant heavily armor it and only way for them to be as fast as fighters is to get massive jetpack on their back or make from them mermaids please present argument since I can't understand how mecha is better
Will Auceptim the angel of fate ?
Mikoto clasped her hands, sticking out her tongue playfully, a pleading look in her eyes. "But please don't tell Fugaku about this. He's so strict, always telling me what to do and what not to do, even stopping me from eating ice cream. It's all for the baby, though."
Anime & Comics · Nobody2NoBody
this is second time i read 2 years even if you never read soul land cant't you recognize that something is wrong with that sentence in tang sans era they couldn't even create crossbow and now they have mechas??
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Anime & Comics · Cibeu
and Klein woken up a little because that tarot club gets some orders
Anyway, have any of you been reading LoTM 2: COI? Please tell me how it is and if Klein has woken up yet. I have not had the time to read it until now. My plan is to hopefully binge read it all at once during Christmas. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Anime & Comics · FoolishSociopath
protagonist has too many jobs
Anyway, have any of you been reading LoTM 2: COI? Please tell me how it is and if Klein has woken up yet. I have not had the time to read it until now. My plan is to hopefully binge read it all at once during Christmas. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Anime & Comics · FoolishSociopath
thanks for the chapter
[Rylan x (a character from anime/comics/movies/tv show/cartoons)]
TV · DarkWriter18
not stupid plasmids are genetic alterations you don't want to buy new plasmid every time you are injured and also vita chambers are not means for immortality it can't stop aging and can revive only those killed by trauma. Think of it not as a time reversal machine that magically heals everything but more as a teleporter where you save you body and when you are injured or die it gathers every part of you no matter the state and puts you together like puzzle
Arcane: I have Plasmids F*** YEAAAAAAH!!!
Video Games · raynei_achilles