1. whether to continue my original plot.
Book&Literature · book_paradise
With the use of time travel to become Liam Dantes?
"So am I, Harry. I want you to know that I will always think of you as a son, in spite of what happened." Placing a kiss on the downy brown head of his blanket wrapped barely a few hours old grandson, Arthur handed the newborn baby over to his father. "Here is your son, Harry."
Book&Literature · The_Book_Addict
Even if there is 'romance' it, it could be he starts thinking about it when he sees how the girl classmates start developing more like any teenager in 3rd year, then start dating in 4th. And his relationship with the twins? The idea of acceptance into the family after a loyal family friend dies saving the Patils sounds good for those that want that romance option.
[+9,000 exp] [Cum-bending is now level 3]
They'd forget about me in five minutes anyway. Most of them were already drunk.
Anime & Comics · blazuki
Ice bullets instead of spears?
If I leveled up my Hunting skill and used my ice projectiles with waterbending, I could snipe a lot of enemies from a distance, taking them down more easily and safely.
Anime & Comics · blazuki
Hagrid, McGonagall, & Flitwick all go into a bar...
Laughter rippled through the Hall at his outburst, and even Dumbledore chuckled softly. "I am not joking, Mr. Weasley," he replied. "Though now that you mention it, I did hear an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag, and a leprechaun who all go into a bar—"
Book&Literature · TheFanficGod
"Well Hermione, can you read them?"
"So Ethan, why didn't you show us those books too?" Hermione repeated her question, and it was obvious to anyone that she was upset at being left out of something so interesting and important.
Book&Literature · Se7en
The squirrel appeared to acknowledge my words with a slow nod, and the mental connection dissolved. Just then, an intense, bone-deep chill washed over me. In a flash, the creature vanished into a spatial rift that radiated an eerie cold. Only after the portal closed did I realize the immense pressure that had accompanied this otherworldly being.
Book&Literature · alchoz
I would release them in Dumbledore's house
"Yeah, my house was infested with them. They took over the first floor. We think it was the horcrux that did it," Sirius said with a grin, picking up his cup to finish the last of his tea.
Book&Literature · Earthly_Writer
"No respect," Harry mock-grumbled. "That's what I get. No respect, at all."
Harry Potter and the Daft Morons - By: Sinyk
Movies · H3llhound2dea1h