"Sup! You're my master no doubt...? Ain't yah?" Despite her rather exquisite body and mature look her tone and accent was beyond modern. Her inflections almost seemed from a teen girl instead of a woman and her tone was rather, not petulant, but blunt.
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds
"Yes Master." The droid lowered its head in an imitation of a proper bow. "They said they were Jedi Grand Master Yoda. They wanted to discuss your child."
Movies · Rimanovi
I did not leave a review for the the author but for other readers, because I know that there are a lot of people on here that shares the same opinion as me and appreciate the the time save.
this one?
She was worried, because her father-in-law obviously had a deep and caring love for Varrus, and she would hate to disappoint the only other male that Varrus was allowed to associate with.
Video Games · KarpQQ
That meant an iron forged Autocannon with a capacity of 250 mana could theoretically blow its entire load in 100 seconds, or a little more than a minute and a half.
Video Games · KarpQQ
Ar rifle? You mean an assault rifle rifle? lol
"Naori, don't kill them. I will speak with the Senators whilst you do that." She disappeared instantly and emerged above on FBI agent armed with an AR-rifle. I ignored them and simply expanded my mind, closing every door in the chamber and mentally fortifying them into place.
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds
Its contributes by mentioning these facts to other readers that are common purveyors of fiction like this and are quite tired of it, I wrote it as such to save other people time
"Yo! Charon! What you been up to...? Any interesting deaths here whilst I've been gone?"
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds
if all he has is cash and he has never interacted with them, how excatly is he funneling the cash to them?
With the diner as my front, I began filtering small amounts of cash into their revenue stream. The trick was to keep it subtle—just enough to avoid suspicion.
Movies · wolf_king87
"I am a manifestation of Chat... More specifically my mystery is an egregore. I was born from the collective thoughts, ideas, actions and legends of streamers and chat members. My power is fuelled by the hype, dono trains and gifted subs across all of Twitch. All contributions to Twitch increase and enhance my power."
Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds