I have been sick since Jan. And it got worse the end of Feb. been to the dr Twice, and cannot get rid of this cough. I have been told it takes 3 weeks to go away after you feel better. Who knew the flu wouldn’t have a fever. I so understand being sick. I am just trying to breathe. Get better soon
It’s gotta be Bree
Or he is your mate
"He doesn't seem to be here." I told Bree, almost looking for an excuse to turn back. I knew that this feeling, the entirety of my current anxiety, was likely due to my nervousness, the feeling I got whenever I was around anyone I didn't know, especially in large quantities of people, like here at the university.
Fantasy · Deni_Chance
Hahahhah. They will never kill him
"We must kill him before the Suneater spell takes effect. Prepare Silverwing's Annihilation and remove the only stain of failure Oghrom suffered while at the service of the First King.
Fantasy · Legion20
Nooooooo! I wanted them to survive, get married and have a family. Now, it will just be depressing. Way to f it up author
Oooo that’s low
We don’t really k ow who killed da Eli. Last we read, Adam asked when he betrayed him
Daneli is a traitor???
Daneli's expression darkened and he spoke in anger, "Adam, what is the meaning of this?"
Fantasy · Esenel
Awwwwwwe. That is so sweet.
Supreme Magus
Fantasy · Legion20