Don’t want to end up like Neji. Random Hyuga #3.
I won't be caught off guard.
Anime & Comics · AMV_Weakly
Once Nomu showcases his regeneration, you can likely get lethal to him. Since the heroes would understand, after all Nomu is a monster strong enough to kill allmight, absorbent to shock damage, extremely regenerative, and mindless with a 1 track goal to follow orders. I think they’d understand if the students would need to stop holding back to ensure they live.
About an hour later, with the conversations winding down, I decide to leave. As I step out into the hall, my mind shifts back to what really matters—preparing for the USJ attack.
Anime & Comics · AMV_Weakly
They know of telekinesis so they should know by now that he has it, or a form of it.
"As for my Quirk," I continue, "I can move objects and people without touching them."
Anime & Comics · AMV_Weakly
Considering it’s Itachi’s Sharingan. Most likely.
The dumb thing is he’s considered Special rank…. He can’t be special rank since he doesn’t have a domain. He’s at best grade 1 even with Kenjaku.
One of the strongest sorcerers alive.
Anime & Comics · Zexxy
I really like the Rinne-Sharingan most. It’s just perfect in my eyes.
"There are even better-looking ones," Ryuu remarked. "But I need to grow stronger first."
Anime & Comics · Zexxy
The only thing that prepared me for real life…. Is survival channels on YouTube. They help when the power is out.
"The knowledge you gain in high school is meant to prepare you for the future. University is a new starting point in life. Do you seriously plan to just coast through high school?"
Anime & Comics · Zexxy
Hiratsuka Shizuka swung a swift karate chop toward Ryuu's head, but he effortlessly dodged it, smirking.
Anime & Comics · Zexxy
Crucio. Break his mind.
"Oh... don't worry about that. I am the Headmaster, after all. Of course, I have ways to make you believe me," Dumbledore said as he pulled out his Elder Wand from his sleeve.
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
Nice, but All for One wasn’t going for any complicated quirks since he didn’t have time to train any of them. It would take years for him to get the the mc’s current level so he’d likely try to kill the mc whenever he makes a appearance to cause maximum despair in AllMight.
"As for my Quirk," I continue, "I can move objects and people without touching them."
MHA: Absolute Telekinesis
Anime & Comics · AMV_Weakly