modern weapons please hitman with a gun
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Action · don_offl
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is this droped
😅 😂 😂
"Unless you are preparing to fire, do not rest you hand on the trigger, the phrase 'Itching trigger finger' comes to mind, you have no idea how many times I've seen a nervous Initiate shoot the floor... I've actually been shot in back due to it once as well, luckily I was wearing armour at the time." he explains.
Video Games · Niggross
but the whole losing lifespan was unnecasary why not take away one of his abillities or arm
I used at one point think my existence here was a curse... what a stupid boy I used to be.
that would be boring
would you forget bleach in 50 years
"Crap… I hope that there will be no special awakening for their members… If that happens, then there will be troubles! I'm not ready to engage in a fight with someone who has a god-damn AIZEN LIKE ABILITIES!"
Anime & Comics · 1theOverlord
could you please tell me how to whitelist my novel since it got blacklisted and i got rid of all the chinese characters my novel's name is Naruto: long live the hokage thank you i would apreciate it if you helped me.
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Sci-fi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
and if its romance i will propably be kaguya
Masahiko nodded, noticing the white hair in the middle of Tobirama's head and didn't say anything for a while.
Anime & Comics · 1theOverlord
no you can read the rest on translation otkau
Naruto: Long Live The Hokage
Anime & Comics · 1theOverlord