That's a very far and distorted version of my comment. Somewhat. Your entire sentence isn't making any sense.
'I've personally killed and bloodied my own hands. This is all in preparation for what's to come.' Alaric thought.
Fantasy · Reawakening
Ignorant fool
'If I kill them all, it will be resolved.'
Fantasy · babayaga01
Yea I can't edit so
{EXP: 450/5000}
Fantasy · Wahi
That's not how it works
Working with the Dark Room meant suffering under the Nightmare's influence, and nobody was willing to do that.
Fantasy · Warmaisach
Humanity would be far more productive if the Dregs weren't the Dregs. Healthy blood donors are far better than corpses. Kugelblitz is literally squeezing the golden goose to death.
Yet, the Specialist's job was to guard a door!
Fantasy · Warmaisach
Wasn't it B?
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Fantasy · Avan
To be fair, it is off topic. I only joined mid way when I saw you substitute Wisdom for Mother Nature, which is obviously ridiculous. From arguing what the origin of the word Titan is to Wisdom, then Mother Nature, then now DNA? My argument is that Wisdom isn't a product of fear nor Mother Nature. It is instinctual, and before you circle it back to Mother Nature, let me give you the definition of the word: -Mother Nature is the personification of nature. Imagine the planet Earth, then shape it into a 'person'. That is Mother Nature. Mother Earth is the same, but in a literal sense then a spiritual one. -Wisdom is experience, knowledge, coupled with sound judgement. This clearly does not relate to Mother Nature. That "person" did not teach me, my teachers did. Claiming Mother Nature gave me Wisdom is the same as people claiming a doctor's achievement of saving people as god's miracle. -As for the root of this whole comment: The origin of the word 'Titan'. While I am not part of that conversation, titan as a noun originated from Greek mythology. You may argue the etymology of that word, but the origin of it as a noun is already established. This isn't a matter of belief, but language. English decides what is correct English.
This just makes it worse. As pointed out previously, Mother Nature is a spiritual term. It isn't making any sense when you dump it together with the animal kingdom. Even 'Mother Earth' is too broad of a term for it.
"You used the word incorrectly" — don't change my statement. There is a vast difference between the two.
Heart of Might/Great Strength is the more advanced technique
He did everything he could. Using his body, trained with the Heart of Great Strength and the Isolation Technique, he imitated the charging technique of the junior Knight.
A Knight Who Eternally Regresses
Fantasy · babayaga01