just some ideas for if and most likely when he starts a faction he could try and invent the raven from gears of war or have his soldiers in onxy gear armour or killzone he could also invent the osprey helicopter by studying the vertiberd I'm also not sure if super mutants would be around Boston by this point as most of them were created by the institute
how would a blank even get corrupted
as a blank its find if he thinks or even prays to them as his thoughts and emotions won't go into the warp well as long as the mc does all that by himself, a blank is kind of like a void or black hole in space
sounds like my dad
No goodbyes, no explanations. One day they were here, and the next, their houses were empty, their cars gone. It seemed as though they decided to leave town overnight.
TV · Nathe07
wouldn't hades attacks harm the deamons soul or even destroy it
I would wish for insane levels of magic talent
I sat on a fragment of a shattered moon, contemplating my options. The thought of going to Skyrim excited me, but I wanted to ensure I had ample power to survive and thrive. My thoughts drifted towards combining the bloodline powers from various races, forming a unique blend that would enhance my abilities but I just couldn't think of anything at that moment.
Video Games · Iros
I think he would love all halo music
"Give me the most obscure music in the world; if there is but a single person in all of existence who has listened to it, who has experienced the euphoria, who had their emotions invoked, or simply smiled when they heard it, then it is good music."
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
a mini nuke can destroy a house. If it blew up a few meters in front, he would be killed
Fallout: (Nuclear)Winter Is Coming
Anime & Comics · Sir_Stronghold