SinuredXD - Profile



LV 14
2020-12-12 Beigetreten Germany

Abzeichen 16

Moments 338


Don't you mean Sinure? 🤣

Without waiting for Shinta to respond, Nimbus eagerly pulled her into the part of the hall where a group of over twenty acolytes had gathered, along with the two assistant magus in charge of the left wing. One was a female wolf magus named Beatrice, brought to the hall by the main instructor Lucius, while the other was a male bird magus named Seth, seemingly a dependable assistant of the previous head instructor Sinured.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan


double mentioning of the tiger bloodline here and in the paragraph before

As for the bat and tiger bloodlines each boasted three to four acolytes, their numbers mirroring that of the serpent bloodline. 

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

Replied to Avan

Sinure 😅 Lucius is still a relatively central figure in the wolf subplot. Not even considering there will be a time for vengeance maybe

Emery's eyes widened in disbelief, his expression flushing with a mixture of shock and indignation. He was aware that the former half-blood representative and instructor of Hall 7 had been Grand Magus Sinure, a revered elder of the bird bloodline renowned for his pivotal role in safeguarding the Zodiac city during the 'bloody incursion.' The notion that Sinure had been supplanted by Lucius, whom Emery regarded as nothing short of a lunatic, left him deeply perturbed.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan


Booooh! Go away Lucius 😂 Didn't expect to read that name again 😅

Emery's eyes widened in disbelief, his expression flushing with a mixture of shock and indignation. He was aware that the former half-blood representative and instructor of Hall 7 had been Grand Magus Sinure, a revered elder of the bird bloodline renowned for his pivotal role in safeguarding the Zodiac city during the 'bloody incursion.' The notion that Sinure had been supplanted by Lucius, whom Emery regarded as nothing short of a lunatic, left him deeply perturbed.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

Replied to nicknoks

I strongly doubt she is aware of the child. But I was also thinking of Annara

"I'm going to meet a friend," Klea replied cryptically. "Just save me one spot," she added before departing, leaving Emery with more questions than answers.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan


It still stings to read widow instead of wife 😭

As Emery, Gwen, Klea, and Morgana disembarked from the Nexus ship, they were greeted by a contingent of saint-level guards, their disciplined ranks led by a familiar face. Camila, the third widow of Lord Izta, stepped forward with an open smile, radiating warmth in her welcome.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan


only "all day"? that's lenient with the chicken 😂

It was the first sensible thing Jake had heard all day from the orange turkey. Well, he had already taken a beating with the enemy's forbidden light spell. If he was showing restraint, it was mostly because he wasn't confident he could resurrect from his ashes in such a vast expanse of water...

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize


lol. never in my life I'd expect a FKK area mention 😂

"Lighten up, Kat. It's not the end of the world — being seen naked is normal. They even have those nude beaches in Germania."

Rise of the Eromancer

Rise of the Eromancer

Urban · Romeru


Did Avan forget to say what Emery got for 1st place in the previous chap?

The battle raged on for an additional half-hour before the challenge was ultimately completed. Having inflicted the most damage on their commander and wreaked havoc among two dozen other celestial constructs in the aftermath, Emery successfully secured a place in the top 100 rankings, earning himself 2 plant celestial shards as a reward.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

Replied to Harem_Hater

They already did back at the oracle knight meeting and I dare to say that since then the gap has widened 😅

No matter how much power Jake concealed within him, he was only a Rank 17 Player like his master. That shouldn't allow him to outwit the Oracle Paths predicted by the enemy's bracelets. In that case, the only remaining option was...

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize


What a difference between his bloodline and his behaviour and status as a pet 😂

According to legend, the Halcyon Legion Cat is a guardian of ancient secrets and a protector of forgotten lands. Its presence is often associated with mysterious events and inexplicable phenomena. The Halcyon Legion Cat embodies the spirit of freedom and independence, roaming freely across dimensions and eras, always elusive, always enigmatic.]

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize


Yeah, I think the B Level Quest reward in comparison to the c level is whether he gets to keep Excalibur because the spirits are dead or the sword is needed to imprison them

"No!" Alan adamantly refused to give up on the B-rank quest. It presented too good of an opportunity to significantly boost his stats, and he wasn't ready to abandon it just yet—only if he had no other choice.

Re: Apocalypse Game

Re: Apocalypse Game

Games · Avan

Replied to Jyochi

And Mir is Korean for dragon afaik. So fits definitely a cool name 😂

"And Abominus the Pyrmir will help her." Leria puffed her chest out with pride for the name she had bestowed upon her friend's new species.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


The "merits" of a self "domesticated" cat I guess 😅

ch 1100 Even When They're Not Around, They Manage To Piss Me Off

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

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