And thus he spent the rest of his life being hunted down. Because there’s no second chances, there’s no understanding. There’s no middle ground, it’s DC. And when you can prove that you killed someone, there is no future not really at the very least it will be miserable life
To be fair, there’s not really a whole lot of wiggle room no matter what. He dismembered people, and he tried to kill the flesh. Even if he didn’t mean to it doesn’t particularly matter if you use a gun and it does more than you expect it doesn’t matter because you’re still fired and it’s 100% your fault for expecting it to be a non-lethal option. Most people know better.
Thik = Medusa
I mean how tired is tired , I got some weird bug at the beginning of the new year made me sleep almost 50% more without me really feeling sick most i ever slept in my life lasted for two weeks and no matter what I drink I couldn’t stay awake
You were supposed to destroy the gambling addicts not join the.
Loot loot loot loot loot loot Loot loot loot loot loot loot Loot loot loot loot loot loot Loot loot loot loot loot loot loot
Just throwing this out there, but e parameters for a servant is 10 while a average human is 1. So even the weakest servant is usually 10 times stronger than the average human. Plus while the fate stay night routes seem simple enough who knows how many of the routes was a legit demon god born or someone else won the grail and destroyed the world
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An e rank is 10 times a average human
Maybe we’ll see some actual projections of noble phantasms
The real problem is he had every right to simply tell them no or any other of a variety of things, instead he literally reduced himself by his own hand in to less than nothing. What makes it worse is he’s already lived that life once before and willingly chose to do it again knowing that at worst they can make things difficult and nothing more. I mean getting rid of an average kids fine but the top person’s who’s literally at the top of the class? Never gonna happen