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Fantasy · Ghost_Playing
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Fantasy · Mahaksh
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Urban · Ted_
"Y-yeah, you're right," said the boss. "It wasn't in Haven. They got in touch with us for a heist. We had to snatch something from an Imugi convoy further down south. Around the S48 Highway.
Fantasy · John_Doever
Good close to no smokers
The huntress had done so much for him that Lith considered her as an aunt. A stingy, nagging aunt who would make rip-off deals, but an aunt nonetheless.
Fantasy · Legion20
The new treasures were obviously enticing but not worth the risk! The last time an organization let a high-level dungeon expand to satisfy its greed the organization ceased to exist.
Fantasy · Pwnzer
In a few seconds, each of them had delivered, blocked, dodged, and exchanged more than a hundred blows, so fast, that their moving arms could only be distinguished as blurred figures. However, none of them was willing to retreat even a millimeter of ground.
Fantasy · Darksky_ll
man showing respect
The [Lich] in comparison to the two, just had his head turned, silently staring at Danzel with its ethereal eyes till his picture also grumbled.
Fantasy · Allenheim
Ch. 69: Conference [1]
Not-So an Extra
Fantasy · Admirably_