

female LV 13

I love reading and writing I just find it interesting to create any with my imagination if u can imagine it, then u can do it

2020-11-22 Beigetreten United Kingdom
Abzeichen 6

Moments 3
1 years ago

the story is good but up to chapter 470 don't u guys feel that the character changed especially Mo ruye, like I get that her character had some improvement but before the 470, it was gradual bit now it feel like a whole different story I think I might drop it such a shame though cause the story was doing so well and they ruined it 😔 😪 😞 too bad

1 years ago
Replied to Vividly_Dawn

the story is good, and i would recommend it to anyone, but the writing style of the writer is annoying, like explaining anything and everything is a bit too immature and I would also say that it makes it seem that they are trying to justify every character. I don't think that needed. it's very annoying and just pisses people off the only reason I'm still reading is because the bavk story seems interesting. nonetheless a good story but the writing style kind of deteroriates the quality of the story

2 years ago

It ’s really interesting and can’twait till it get chooses