

LV 10
2020-11-18 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 5

Moments 47
3 years ago

veronica continues being cucolded I’m not even surprised anymore its totally become a habbit now— she gets something unique which is barely compares with boy-MC cheats, only for him and others to still her powers tomorrow

3 years ago

Very impressed with Viccy’s thought process about choosing evolution path. Good job giving mc common sense. I had almost given up on her cause she didnt rven try to expand her mana two weeks in their adventure, in a world where everyone and their perents tries to kill u.

3 years ago

I get it that author decided to split MC into two characters, but it’s become quite a hard pill to swallow reading the way all OP powers just being thrown on a silver platter to the child mc all the while seeing him not even sharing mana drain skill with his other half. I wouldnt be surprised if Veronica become utterly powerless when executing [Soul Break] against sealed Demon God simply because she doesn’t have required mana to do so. The moment child-mc learns soul break, I see no reason in Victoria’s existence any longer. All her uniqueness is already gone. Lastly, still cannot fathom how a living being got himself Undead’s soul evolution. its beyond unfair. tho given how broken their unique sustem is, I can hardly complain. It just feels frustrating how 1st mc struggle meant nothing in the end. For me it seemed only natural that Veronica gor soul related evolution, but seeing the same things happening to a mage/farmer is just mind boggling.

3 years ago

Kain being absolute moron as always forgot to activate anti magic AOE

3 years ago
Replied to Zskyph

Oh, that’s good. Thanks for explaining in detail! Dont wanna see best girl getting killed over broken staff, that’s all.

3 years ago

If I remember correctly soul weapon has a weakness such as if destroyed completely its master will die too. Kinda shitty reward, no? Druid class is OP; wonder if all those Magic Counsil members who entered dungeons would get some new Magic too. It would be crazy

3 years ago

Oh boy, this princess is sure to lose her position, fast. Will she become a slave herself? Converted into furniture like a stool, a table or foot rest? I can’t wait! As for the beastmsn race as a whole. They do have a purpose to continue existing, right? Otherwise human nations would soon start fighting each other for some idiotic reason or another. Having common enemy is kind of lazy approach towards keeping peace, but it works, kinda.

3 years ago

A***, what a nice guy Chaotic Neutral D&D as always, I see Can’t wait for him to stab some random Blood mage in the beck next! Big Sad about how fast MC burns through his rewards tho. Hoping against hope Kain would at least happen to save some of his potions for best girl...

3 years ago

Not the worst deal. Not at all. better than having his Souls in the posession of Zorim

3 years ago

And here I thought what would be the excuse having random genious Flint to have such a ‘talent’ Afterall Kain spent like 3 million yrs meditating/cultivating whereas Klint more like ~300 years Or so(I didnt bother with math) if we take his original Motherland for a timeframe. (Toria Continents) Previously I thought God warriors live in a realm where time flows differently and that Klint must have lived through dozens of million yrs already, guess I was wrong and that toxic bitch of a Watcher did some nasty thing yet again. oh well, it only makes waiting for some deserved faceslapping all the more rewarding