Release Chapter 46 as a whole though it will take some time for me to complete it. I should have time when my Midterm season ends.
Anime & Comics · Isekai_enjoyer
finally you're back
Does anyone ever remember this story?
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
snake eyes 🤩🤩🤩
take your time, I just hope that u don't drop this good novel
hey man keep up the good work and stay alive if u have to take a few days off that's alright I'll still read ure book cause it's great thanks for the update
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Anime & Comics · Faceless_Prick
not showing
https://strawpoll.com/GJn47l??Demyz The Smut Poll, same as the one above just get rid of the question marks for the url
Video Games · OneMoreScore
I dont know what has happened to the author of this book, but I have enjoyed reading this book, and, like the twists and turns of the storyline I have never gave a review to another story even though I've read hundreds and it fascinated me I hope u have the motivation to continue this story if possible fuck the haters who critize u but be motivated by what they say cause they can't write a good fanfiction like u do so please finish a good story
and I know it's late, but happy new year
thank u for the chapter
2. Aetherium Kingdom
Angel Lord In An Isekai (WN)
Anime & Comics · LordArchduke