I'm sorry if my comments are too harsh. But here is the summary of I want to say. Your story is good, albeit some decisions I don't agree with. But you keep putting too many ideas in your story to the point that it almost impossible to know if those idea have any relation to the story. I would suggest you add small omakes as your ideas that may or may not be canon like a nascent kaleidoscope.
To be honest, she's more of herrscher of dominance because of her many side and manipulative she is.
Yuki so far haven't shown or prove that she is good with technological side of things so I feel that she isn't deserve the herrscher of truth core.
Tbh, at this rate I'm afraid your story will hit dead end to the point that either you have to rewrite the whole story or abandon it. You have too many ideas, introduced too many character and I'm not confident that you can manage them well. At some point the ideas will conflicting with each other. It also maybe because I'm a huge fan of hi3, the decision of bronya not being the herrscher of truth kinda piss me off.
This is a very interesting story. Doraemon in 40k world. What's the raw name ?
Thanks. Your translation is really good.
Is this a translation? If it is does anyone know the raw name?
This was stolen from Fahad09 story A Demon lord's hero. You can read this story on fanfiction. Report this author.
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Also, maybe hold off introducing new characters so frequently. As with the current cast, there are so many possible things to do. There's no need for more characters if you haven't reinforce the current characters relationship.
Rising through the Omniverse as a Herrscher
Anime & Comics · Yuuki_Shirogane