Webnovel Author: Dreyerboys - Novel Collection



LV 15

You might only be a speck of dust in this vast universe, but without you, the universe cannot exist.

2020-10-12 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 23

Moments 884


⚠️WARNING!⚠️ Spoilers Ahead Before I get into the review, I’d like to start off by saying, there are tropes in this novel that I am heavily biased toward; some good, some bad. I’ll try to be as objective as possible, but that may not be possible in some cases. Short Review: It’s a unique take on the “Heros/Humans vs Demons” trope. Now, hearing that, you might want to compare it to Japanese isekai, but don’t. It has a more complex story and is more westernized. If you enjoy LitRPG progression fantasy novels, where it’s one race against the other, and humanity is on its last leg, you’ll probably enjoy this. It’s far from perfect, but it’s got a bit of everything you could want in a story. Hardworking, intelligent, OP MC, romance, world building, some character development, and good action scenes. At least read the free chapters, to see if you like it, but do know that things change a lot at around chapter 100. Could be good, could be bad, depending on your preferences. However, I do recommend giving this novel a shot. That being said, there are a lot of things that could be improved. If you don’t want spoilers, or don’t want your judgement to be clouded, don’t read the rest of this review. I will be discussing, what I believe to be some of the major ups and downs of the novel. . . . . . . Writing Quality(3/5): Honestly, I expected a lot better. This is the author’s third novel, but it’s still littered with grammatical errors. Generally speaking, the writing quality is pretty good. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s top-tier, but it’s a step below. I’m being a bit overly critical, but if there weren’t so many grammatical mistakes, I’d give it a 4/5. Update Stability(5/5): Pretty standard for this author. Story Development(3.5/5): This is where I’m heavily negatively biased, but before I say anything, I just want to point out that the story isn’t bad. It’s just, there are a lot of things that either don’t make sense or are just really drawn out. Let me preface this by saying, I abhor Academy Arcs. I find them boring, uneventful, and are really nothing more than glorified training arcs that stall the plot and take up way too much freaking time. If I’m already on the fence about a novel and I see the author dump his MC in an academy, more than likely I’m going to drop it. But before we get into that, let me lay out the general underlying plot. The novel is about a guy named Cedric, who somehow obtains a Godkings eyes. He then uses his newly gained powers to help push humanity out of its slump and fight back against the encroaching demons. At some point, he obtains a [Sage] class and leverages his identity to befriend and call upon humanity’s leaders. Honestly, a pretty good plot. Not overly complex, but it’s interesting to watch Cedric’s journey through it all. The main parts I have issues with are(in no particular order): 1. There are more questions than answers and seemingly important information is given at much later times than expected(as if the author just forgot or something). 2. Plot holes. 3. Academy Arc(biased) 4. The repetitive war with the demons. 5. The future cosmic arc(remains to be seen) Alright, let’s go through them one by one. First, more questions than answers. By this, I’m really talking about minor details like the power scaling of the world. How do levels work? How do tiers work? How many tiers are there? What’s the strongest? The author just glosses over this for the longest time and, to my knowledge, never directly addresses it. We’re just supposed to guess and even then, I’m still not quite sure exactly how everything works or who’s the strongest. This isn’t just the case for the power system either, but with tons of minor details. It’d take too long to dive into every single one of them, but just know, if you have a question that isn’t about some major plot device, it’ll likely not be addressed or answered at all. You’ll be left guessing with the minimal context clues given. Second, plot holes. There’s really only one that I find particularly glaring: why can’t the demons distinguish Cedric as a Sage? Just for clarification, Cedric has two identities: his every day identity (Cedric) and the one he shows the demons (Derrick). Derrick is his “Sage” identity. This, in and of itself isn’t a problem. The problem comes when almost every single higher up of humanity can discern his Sage identity at a glance. How? Idk. Reasons, I guess. But, for some reason, the demons look at Cedric and just think, “He’s a talented school boy. Nothing to worry about.” … How? Mind you, humanity is losing big time in this war against the demons. Their overall power ceiling is at least a step below the demons. I understand that some humans can find out Cedric’s identity through the Acala… Even though I find that a little farfetched, considering the MCs system authority, I’ll give it to you. But a lot of these old dudes just glance at the MC and go ‘Young Sage!’ You have to understand that the demons have probably killed around a dozen other sages. You’d think, at least Demon Lord level beings, could discern his identity rather easily. Remember, the demons are supposed to be cunning and actively searching for him… Another plot hole is… how do people above Tier 9 get stronger? Maybe I missed something. Is it simply through Demon Lord souls? This leads into a much larger issue of energy, but I’ll leave that alone for now. Side note, it also feels like all the so-called “strong people” of the human race aren’t all they claim to be, at least compared to demons. Third, Academy Arc. Yes, this novel has an academy arc. Although it’s better than a lot of others, I would just really like to believe there’s a better way of doing things. Like I said before, it’s a glorified training arc that goes on for way too long. There’s also really only one class that has sort of made a difference in the MC’s power, and that’s the Swordsmanship class(can’t remember the exact name). The others, as per the teacher’s words, can be learned in the library. The rest of his gains aren’t even obtained directly from the academy, but due to his identity as a Sage and the connections that come with it. Other than maybe swordsmanship and some basic knowledge, everything else he gained was from his own hard work and eyes, hardly due to the academy at all. BUT! We do get to see a bunch of old men look at the MC and go “Interesting… A Sage…” Up until the most recent non-priv chapter, he’s still a sort of the academy, merely a sophomore (150+ chapters). Honestly, the plot before he entered the academy was, in my opinion 10x more interesting than afterwards. I’d rather read about the MC struggle to obtain information, skills, and connections by himself than be burdened by an academy and the accompanying old people. At least, when he’s alone, the plot progresses and things are a lot more unique and intersting. Again, this is my personal bias, but at this point, I can’t get behind any academy arc unless the entire novel literally revolves around it. To me, it just seems like there are so many better ways to move the story along than that. Fourth, repetition. The endless hordes are fun, but after the first few times, we know the MC is going to dominate them. This goes back to the academy arc, but for most of the time, it really feels like the war with the demons is on hold when he’s at the academy. Before that, we had cultists, demons, black sky, nodes, and all this other stuff, but in the academy, he just goes on a few missions outside and trains in the academy. It lacks the urgency that the beginning had. Fifth, the cosmic arc. This hasn’t happened yet, but the author is hinting at some galactic council of OP races. To them, his planet and their plight is nothing. The MC has the bare minimum of talent to be called a “genius” by them. (Which to me doesn’t make much sense, considering he literally has the eyes of a GODKING, but whatever.) I normally wouldn’t have a problem with this, but it feels too soon. I mean, the battles with the demons hasn’t even reached its climax and here we are jumping into a larger world, where the demons seem inconsequential. To me, it really kills all the momentum you’ve built up until this point. Now, it feels like, instead of an epic final battle, it’s more of like a side quest. 300 chapters of buildup, only to be turned into a side quest… it’s a little disappointing. Okay, I dogged on the novel’s plot quite a lot, but now, let me share some of the things I like: 1. Pacing. Its fast enough that things don’t get too boring. 2. Lots of learning, studying, and experimenting. The MC is always progressing. It’s fun to read and the MC is always making new advancements. 3. I love those first few arcs. Him discovering his powers, their limits, and working behind the scenes to eliminate enemies is just so fun to read. Those first hundred chapters are really a delight to read. 4. We don’t get sidetracked by women or skirt chasing. There is romance, but it’s not the main focus. Once the author decides on an arc, he sticks to it, which I can appreciate. (Though, I will say that the romance is pretty below-average. Almost like the parts we do get are rushed.) 5. Even though I hate academy arcs, this one is really not that bad. The MC went there to study, train, and hide out under the protection of the big shots, and that’s pretty much what he does. Sure, the plot stagnates a bit, but we do get what was promised. He does go on a few missions too, so we do get a break from the mootony. The MC isn’t constantly harassed or distracted by randoms, and focuses solely on his goals. So, for that, I can’t hate on it too much as the MC still progresses at a steady rate. 6. I like how the author has portrayed the fight between the world+humans vs demons. This author always comes up with unique takes on cliche tropes, and he’s done it again here. Haaahh… finally done with that. Haha. Character Design(4/5) I love Cedric’s character. He feels very relatable and human. At heart, he’s just a normal guy forced into extraordinary circumstances and is doing his best to shoulder the heavy burden placed on his shoulders. On their own, the two FLs are great as well. They all feel human. Where I deduct a point is literally everyone else. It’s as if, everyone who isn’t a kid is just a copy paste. This especially goes for the old people. It’s as if they’re all bored out of their minds. “Intersting…” is their catch phrase and it feels as if they’re doing nothing other than sitting around. If you’re an optimist, you could say they’re all “eccentric”, but if you’re like me, you’d just call them bots. Their personalities are quite shallow, and even if we get their backstory, it doesn’t really change anything. They’re just boring, interchangeable characters that are bored. I know I was a little harsh their with my criticism, but it really does seem as if they just sort of… exist. Humanity is going extinct, and they’re sitting around twiddling their thumbs, waiting for some talented young person to come along. Idk. Not really a fan of them, but I’m also biased against these “old masters” in these types of novels. Their characters are generally all the same, even across different novels. World Background(4/5): Alright, I’m kind of sick of writing this review, so I’ll try and keep this one short. Other than the MC, the world, its background, and the world building are the best parts of the novel. It’s what’s kept me around, paying for each chapter. Although the power system is a bit basic and not fully fleshed out, everything else is good. This author always does a good job in this aspect, and this novel isn’t any different. He really does seem to go all out with creating and shaping the world. It’s fascinating to read. Final Notes: Where are the lemons, author?! Also, since you brought up cosmic stuff, I hope that the Godking’s eyes aren’t just seeing and learning(which almost seem a bit nerfed since he obtained them). Final Rating: (~3.8/5). I’m enjoying the novel so far, despite my pretty harsh critiques.


Okay, I don’t mean to be that guy, but in the grand scheme of the universe, one in a billion is a lot less rare than you might think. If you take our universe, for example, if we go off this “one in a billion” figure, there would be about 1 quadrillion planets with spirituality.

"See, worlds that have an inherent spirituality are extremely rare." He started, "Like one in a billion rare. You're correct, we've been through numerous worlds, realms, dimensions...even straight-up galaxies. But this is the first time in a very long while that we've sensed a world that has Innate Spirituality."

Endless Horde: Through the Eyes of a Godking

Endless Horde: Through the Eyes of a Godking

Fantasy · Hateful_Fellow



"Still, I guess it wouldn't be so bad to be a Mentor of a Young Sage."

Endless Horde: Through the Eyes of a Godking

Endless Horde: Through the Eyes of a Godking

Fantasy · Hateful_Fellow

Replied to Poisonsectelder04_

That’s what I prefer too. I mean, isn’t that literally the point of a cultivation novel? lol I was just trying to say that, when an MC is against the gods, it can provide some direction and motivation, more than just: ‘I want power for the sake of power.’ Whether it’s good or bad is really up to the author and plot. But I’m very much of the opinion that, when you start adding gods and million old ancestors early on in the story, it can really kill the vibe.

A second voice responded, "I didn't choose him; his universe chose him and directed him towards us. I've chosen many before, but they lost their awareness and dissolved into nothingness. His gods had destined him for greatness, but he was...hmm...an agnostic—a blessed atheist." "What does any of this have to do with us?" the first voice inquired, its tone tinged with skepticism. "Nothing, except that he's an anomaly. That's what we need," the second voice asserted with a sense of finality.

Legend of The Young Master

Legend of The Young Master

Eastern · Nobelnerd

Replied to Poisonsectelder04_

I don’t necessarily think that it makes the MC’s life and actions meaningless, but I do agree that this sort of scene/plot is very distasteful in most cases. My problem is that, so there are like universal-level entities in the background scheming. When are we going to see them again? In many cases, we see them for like 3 chapters at the end of the novel. They’re usually so inconsequential to the story that I’m always left wondering, why even put them in the story in the first place? They’re part of some final battle and that’s it. The risk-reward for having characters like these just isn’t worth it for exactly the things you pointed out. It makes some readers feel like the MCs actions are pointless, since he has gods watching his every move, potentially directing him from behind the scenes. Id say that’s like best case scenario. The real problem is when they’re directly controlling the MCs life from behind the scenes. Then, his actions are legitimately meaningless, as everything he does is basically predestined. The only plot of this type I can get behind is when the MC and whatever gods watching him are at odds with each other. Then, I’d say his actions, if written correctly, have more meaning, but that’s pretty rare. They’re usually there just for some BS reason, to explain why the MC was reincarnated or whatever. The way I like to look at it is, “Well, we’ll never see those guys again.” Most Webnovels are either dropped before they’re brought up again, or literally never reach that point and the chapter count rises into the thousands for eternity. Then, if we do see them again, especially early on, I usually drop it.

A second voice responded, "I didn't choose him; his universe chose him and directed him towards us. I've chosen many before, but they lost their awareness and dissolved into nothingness. His gods had destined him for greatness, but he was...hmm...an agnostic—a blessed atheist." "What does any of this have to do with us?" the first voice inquired, its tone tinged with skepticism. "Nothing, except that he's an anomaly. That's what we need," the second voice asserted with a sense of finality.

Legend of The Young Master

Legend of The Young Master

Eastern · Nobelnerd


A lot of times in these sorts of novels, whenever the MC obtains a teacher/master/mentor, all critical thinking skills go out the window. I hope this MC retains his brain cells and doesn’t become a standard Chinese MC.

"Sure Sir! From now on, I will listen to your teachings and follow you as a student. You really are worth learning from". Adam was convinced that Feng Jiu was trustworthy enough to be close to him. During their first half of the fight, Adam released a negative effect awakening energy, which Could cause damage too opponent's body on contact.

My Gene Evolution System

My Gene Evolution System

Fantasy · Xavier_DALOONWARR


Is it just me, or do cultivation stories become incredibly bland and boring as soon as they join a Sect and take on a Master? I feel like I’ve read the same thing hundreds of times. What’s crazy is, a lot of the best novels in this genre have the MC do none of those things. Why not copy that? It’s gotten to a point where even western progression fantasy Webnovels are following a similar trope. It’s like they take what could be a dynamic and exciting journey and reduce it to a rigid, bureaucratic system that stifles creativity and freedom. It’s like you’re reading a fantasy story that suddenly changes and becomes a story about Corporate America, or worse, Corporate China. As “the little guy”, I just don’t find rooting for a massive, tyrannical organization(Sect) all that fun or interesting. Yet, the MC’s seem to always become pseudo-slaves to these Sects, staking their life to protect them. Socialism and communism disguise themselves as capitalism, becoming the worst version of all three. I mean, there’s really only so many things an MC can do in a Sect, and every novel seems to make it its goal to copy every single one of them. Also, unpopular opinion, but I think novels that have an “Academy” are in the same boat. You find one that’s unique and good here and there, but most Academy arcs are extremely boring. I’ve even found that, in a lot of cases, you can literally skip the entire arc and not miss much. You might find some characters a bit unfamiliar, but the plot often comes to a halt. Sects… Academies… Guilds… they’re all the same. I can almost guarantee that I can skip the next 100 chapters in this novel, and not miss much. Reading the title gives me all the information I need. Sigh… 😔



Upon acquiring the attention of everyone in the Yang Arena, Yang Fa continued by saying, "I've decided that Azmodeus will skip past the Outer Sect, Inner Sect, Core Sect, and Inherent Disciple Sect, as he will directly become my Direct Disciple and be the one to represent the Yang Sect along with my daughter in the battle of the Sects!"

Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!

Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!

Eastern · Astral_Pandemonium

Replied to Dreyerboys

*Extraordinarily high

"He's gone with the eldritch, Jessica. That was who he was with since the beginning, Jessica. It's all a ploy, and we were tricked into it, like bloody idiots..." Aelia said to Jessica, who suddenly had silence from her end, as the phone call got disconnected. Aelia's phone dropped to the ground, as she slammed back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling, a single line of blood dripping down her left eye.

Infinity Guardian System

Infinity Guardian System

Fantasy · Supreme_IQ

Replied to DocAnubis

Keep it simple, stupid

Magic was great, amazing even. Its potential was truly limitless, but I appreciated Ki as it tended to follow the KISS rule. Of course, it could get very complicated as well at its highest level, considering it could manipulate souls, be it by attacking them directly or even healing them. Regardless, it still tended to lean towards simpler methods that barely required any sort of calculations on my part.

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)

Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken


Pretty good so far, Author. I like where you’re going and what you’re trying to do. However, there are a few things I’d like to point out: 1. In the title, you spelled “Nephalem” wrong. 2. After the first few chapters, the tone becomes very robotic. I don’t know if you’re using ai, either to write or edit, but with how formal the speech is, the long strands of paragraphs that don’t actually hold much content, and how unconventional some of the words are, I assume you’re using something. It’s fine if you want to use it as a tool, but at most it should be used to supplement your ideas. Even though the grammar was pretty bad in the beginning, I actually preferred that style more. It just moves the plot along faster and clearer, and gives the novel a unique style. So, if you are using some sort of program, just be careful. Dont let it detract from your writing style and try not to rely on it. We readers like seeing authors grow, just as much as the characters they’re writing. 3. You seem to largely skip over training and/or fight scenes, providing us with the end result and not the action. I’d love to see the MC actually experience those things first hand, watch how he grows, learn about his decision making, and immersing myself in the character. In the same theme, maybe a bit more inner monolgues and showing us the changes that the system brings. For example, more stat points brings physical changes. I want to experience those changes first hand, instead of just seeing the end result. In my opinion, it just makes it feel a bit more real. But take that with a grain of salt, as thats just my preference. 4.The dialogue feels a bit choppy. I don’t really know how to explain it, other than it lacks emotion and intensity. For example, the scene where Jace wants to sacrifice himself for Eve to live. While noteworthy and admirable and you did get the point across, it lacked that sense of urgency. I guess you could say it felt a little random and out of place. If there was more build-up in the previous chapters, with named boys eyeing her lecherously, maybe secretly planning something, and you implanted this in our heads several chapters earlier, it would’ve been more impactful. The scene itself also could’ve been more intense, maybe a bit more real given everything going on around them. It doesnt have to necessarily have entire chapters dedicated to it. Just a quip about Eve’s beauty here, a sinister expression on a few boys there, and maybe a few paragraphs about a “plan” forming among a “group” would suffice. Anyways, this is just one example. Really it all boils down to “Show, don’t tell.” Not saying I dislike the scene, just saying it could be done better and could potentially capture more readers. That isn’t the only scene that could use some work either. You dont necessarily need to change everything, but just, in the back of your mind, think of the flow of the novel. How do real people talk? What do you like? What do you want to read? How would you want your story written if it was done by someone else? Other than that, I actually quite like the World Background/Building and the characters. You have potential, just some things need to be cleaned up a bit. Anyways, good work, Author and thanks for the story. Hope to see you at the top someday!

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