The imperial princess was just 140cm, had exotic wheat-colored skin, and was just fourteen, the perfect age in his opinion- no longer a small girl but not yet a grown woman.
War · FerriticMatrix
Speaking of the Gu Family. What happened to the meeting with that fat guy?
The top three guilds, Dragons of Justice, Devil's Advocate and War Brothers, the Assassin guild, Gu family's Jade Mountain guild, Genovese guild, the one rumored to have connections with the Italian mafia, all the big players of the Gresh Kingdom were present around the PVP tower.
Fantasy · Yolohy
JT is kinda screwed now isn't he? Considering Erich just resigned from being an Archon.
One of these Agents was JT, who was deep behind enemy lines in the borders of the Ennead Theocracy, tracking down a Sage who had enough sense to flee from his hiding spot. JT had spent the better part of two years in the criminal underworld of the Galactic community, gaining intelligence on the Sages like Erich had asked him to.
Sci-fi · Zentmeister
That sharply dressed mustache model?
It was quite honestly a propaganda piece taken from the teachings of a certain regime from Berengar's previous life, yet if he was going to build an Empire, the Fatherland should be united as the core of it. Berengar had distributed a map for visual reference, which contained the regions he wished to incorporate into his future Empire. This map was essentially an exact copy of the idea of a Greater Germany from a certain Austrian Art student, with the addition of the Adriatic Littoral and the Alpine foothills.
History · Zentmeister
Were you in chapter debt?
A/N: With this chapter my promise is fulfilled and I am completely up to date with the chapters.
Fantasy · XIETIAN
I was thinking the same thing
An instant after the man's death, an extremely unpleasant screeching sound similar to that of two sandpapers powerfully rubbing against each other echoed for a few seconds followed by a thunderous explosion that took several lives in the process.
Fantasy · XIETIAN
He was trying to use water on ice
Chen He couldn't help but make a funny face when he heard the words Wu Yijun's mother said... If that was the case then why didn't the stone he had been trying to conquer for a decade show the slightest crack? Were his water (charm) and the strength with which he pushed forward (efforts) not enough at all?
Fantasy · XIETIAN
Poor Pik*ch* didn't have time to run away when Bai Zemin pointed at it and a blue fire arrow shot out from his index finger.
Fantasy · XIETIAN
In just one day, he had already received so many surprises... and it wasn't even 12 noon.
Fantasy · XIETIAN
"Let's call it the Condensed Vylkr Essence Nourishing Elixir," Orion responded.
Village Head's Debauchery
Fantasy · Royalpanda