Viserys had gone bald, but he had also grown stronger. Emerging from that charred shell, he found that his abilities had undergone significant changes:
Buch&Literatur · BlurryDream
Who’s lucy?
I just wanna say, no one was able to guess Lucy's character. Then there was also that one guy who asked, "Who's Lucy?"
Anime & Comics · _MYSTERY
Im really absorbed in this story can you drop more?
With how long the original takes and with your pace you would need a couple hundred chapters to finish the story maybe take it up a level and increase the soeed of the story give a litle story some time skips some dialogue etc. Otherwise you will write a lot of chapters
Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
I am guessing that the hulk is the host of the strength force. Otherwise this info shouldn’t be something he knows
"Cosmic force?" Tony took a seat, as he pondered on the words of Banner. "So he's like the God of speed or something?" Natasha asked. "From what I've seen, his current maximum speed is around Mach 3.8, which shows he's just a beginner and hasn't really bonded with the speedforce." Bruce continued.
Filme · David_555
He probably read the whole chapter in 2 min
Chapter 57 - First target
Filme · _Crimson_
I imagined someone like this talking. Bruh funny af
"Uh hi guys, new...guy here. Wow I suck at this. Iron Man threw me an earpiece. I'm really good at dealing with lots of little guys. Anybody need a hand?" Eli scolded himself inwardly for messing up his first message in the voice chat.
Filme · Nuclide
kendra and mandy hmm good taste
"I almost want to PAINT your expression right now." Ricky emphasized one particular word, making Dewey's breath hitch as he stood up only for the supreme court justices to file in.
Marvel: Impregnation System
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend