Webnovel Author: Notanegg - Novel Collection



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Jones BBQ foot massage

2020-09-06 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 16

Moments 2313


Maybe for his next design he can superpublish before sending the dev logs.

He already shared his development logs to the MTA. if Ves suddenly improved his design by a significant margin at the very end, the MTA would rightly question whether he had help.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


It makes sense, but it sucks for the DP loss. But he could probably copy the optimization for all future variants and get the DP put of that.

Along with the added advantage of a pronounced X-Factor, Ves possessed a final contingency should his design fail to match up to the Havalax. He tapped his fingers against his unassuming comm, which hid the option to superpublish any design once a year.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


I bet it has almost no X-factor. Any it does have is but a pittance of it’s potential because they are using machines instead of people.

Just when Ves prepared to debut the Blackbeak, an old rival released an offensive knight on his own. The Havalax differed distinctly from the Blackbeak by specializing in delivering peak performance, but that design choice would also enable it to inflate its spec sheet.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


I like imagining the images as cartoonish versions of what they would be. Rn I see moltres, standard space guy like Han Solo but cooler and a cartoonish knight inspired robot fighting with flashy-ish attacks with funny sound effects. (The humanoids are built like nendroids btw)

The battle took place in an abstract realm where imagination and intelligence formed the principal mode of struggle. This enabled the wily Jackknife Jake to take an early lead, having cut a pound of flesh from both the phoenix and the knight at once.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Chairman of being the best little guy around: Lucky.

As the absolute majority shareholder, Ves had the right to appoint whoever he wanted as a board member. He'd elevate Lucky to the chair if he xould get away with it. Sadly, the LMC had to be seen as respectable and show some proof to the Republic that some reliable old geezers kept his youthful enthusiasm in line.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Diminishing returns and all that. You only need enough stability so that your next risk doesn’t drop you below where you already are.

Good question. Ves didn't wish to rehash the same arguments over and over so, so he waved his hand and called it a day.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Time travel that strangely enough acounts for informational paradoxes like giving einstein his own theory of relativity before he discovers it.

The implications were frightening. The seemingly omnipotent System proved its might once again by accomplishing actual time travel!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor

Replied to Haruka_Kun

I wonder if Barley remembers that one time he felt a bit off like some other guy was just hanging around in his head observing.

From the memories Ves had access to, everyone fought with mechs that were two or three generations older than the modern norm. The System not only stuffed him inside a body halfway across the galaxy, it also sent him back in time, all without destroying Ves or Barley's minds!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Sleeping giant causes problems when it gets up for the first time in three major ecological time periodsz

A flood of scorching heat suddenly emitted from his comm. After a long period of dormancy, the System roused its might for the first time in a very long time.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Pacific rim?

"I can't explain to you how wondrous it feels to connect your mind with another. The connection goes both ways, and while it is possible to block sensitive memories from your partner, it will destabilize the connection if you go too far. So up to a certain extent, it is best to interface with someone you trust."

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


The masculin urge to kill is everpresent.

Moments like these reminded Ves why he adored mechs. The visceral combat stimulated the primitive part of his brain that craved for blood. For all humanity pretended to be civilized, deep down they still let themselves be ruled by the instincts that evolution had been slow to erase.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


They weren’t even a problem species, they literally had no beef and could probably be negotiated with.

The Terrans quickly found out that the Aylos tended to be pacifists, so they outright stole their FTL technology before waging war on them. Utilizing their new ships to their full advantage, they took the Aylos off-guard and wiped them out to the last whale.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


They definitely have a great advantage in that they come with an almost endless heat sink, they just need their own heat to pump to the armor fast enough.

Aquatic mechs had to comply with two essential demands. First, it had to be able to handle the crushing pressure. Second, it had to be waterproof. This led to the adoption heavily armored fish or mermen-shaped mechs propelled by powerful jets as the norm in aquatic combat.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


I hope he mentions the idea of keeping an idea in his head of what the mech is supposed to be. So when they are making their mechs they maintain their X-Factor.

"Delegate when you can." Cyril nodded approvingly. "The key to transitioning from a scrappy startup to an established company is to increase its scope but maintain control. You'll shackle your company if you insist on micromanaging every aspect. Focus on your strengths as a mech designer and leave all of the details to your underlings."

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


How much did this mech cost to make again?

Just when Ves thought the limit had been reached, the man that looked like a CEO lost his patience. "110 million! This is my final offer!"

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Imagine what would happens if he made a full squad or even army of one B level X-Factor model or even a bunch of variants of that model with different roles.

His words betrayed the confidence he held in his Eternal series. Their craftsmanship surpassed anything that Ves had produced so far. When the three models stood side-by-side, their X-Factor emanated a formless pressure that threatened to engulf the entire storage space!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


Ai, it needs a brain. A rock with a soul is still a rock, but if that rock could think on it’s own, suddenly it is able to reinforce it’s own soul by thinking and learning from it’s environment.

[The X-Factor of your design has improved only marginally. The difference in quality exceed your previous efforts but it fails to meet the necessary standards to obtain a higher rating.]

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor

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