Ah yes
Wang Ling looked around and saw their astonished faces, he laughed, "Huh, I think I'm dying."
Eastern · Simple_Dynasty
Wang Ling stood up and thanked Roan. He walked towards the door and then was just about to exit when, all of a sudden, he stopped, saying, "…I am not the old All-Father you knew, you know. I am but his second coming, his reincarnation."
Eastern · Simple_Dynasty
Ah yes
Foster looked at the man in front of him, holding his hand forward. Cloaked in a sinister black energy, he showed off his magic to this member of the Mage Tower, "So yeah, I can actually use necromancy."
Fantasy · DiceVR
I know the name is “Xieru” but my brain keeps reading it as “Xie Rou” (Crab meat) 😂
He turned over to the A stage and saw Han Xieru and Yan Renhuo ready to fight.
Eastern · Simple_Dynasty
Note, take these sayings lightly. Verbal consent is alway important!
Kana leaned forward and whispered softly so only Naru could hear. "They say when a girl teases a boy, it is because she likes that boy."
Fantasy · invayne
This feels like foreshadowing 😳
Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
Very interestIng so far! Looking forward to the rest of the story. Might want to proofread more as there are a few punctuation errors as well as what seems like missing words in the first two chapters.
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Fantasy · ChikoBakpao
A large number of small metallic bugs were starting to cover Lognir's body, duplicating themselves by the second, as they crawled over and under his scales, "What is the meaning of this?!" Lognir exclaimed, feeling the skittering bugs all over, as they grew more and more in number.
Demon's Virtue
Fantasy · DiceVR