Sigurd_Eldrich - Profile



male LV 13
2020-08-29 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 8

Moments 490


But there a little unkindness not a little murder. Murder is for crows not ravens


"YOU LITTLE MURDEROUS A-HOLES!!!" these two pricks, I have no idea how they got in, but they opened the bird cage and ate Blue. This was the reason they were not asking for food because both of them were full.

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903


As we learned from a different kind of Avatar


Traveling people know a lot, from places to stories, fauna, and flora. Not all would be immediately useful or useful at all but information was information.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003


Induckpendence Day

"Yes! There was this movie called 'Independence Day' where aliens attacked Earth, and they had a colossal mothership. I want to recreate that, but with rubber ducks," I explained, excitement evident in my voice.

Multiversal Library

Multiversal Library

Anime & Comics · ExoticSenta



Both ottar and alex had wide smiles at finally having found a worthy opponent but to the audience it was a clash between titans as the landscape was cratered and swept away with each collision. this clash continued for close to thirty minutes before alex knew he needed to switch to magic to win. ottar noticed this change and sought to stop alex but failed as blades of sharp wind shot at him. this forced ottar to dodge away giving alex some breathing room to cast some of his larger jutsu's. a eastern dragon made entirely from blue lightning shot towards ottar as alex revealed the name of his attack. "thunderous rampage!" he yelled after releasing the dragon that moved at incredible speeds.

Sunlight system

Sunlight system

Fantasy · loskro

Replied to Halt_Jagged

I think dumbledore is old or Middle English for bumblebee

But some of his instant thoughts and complaints were indeed easily detected by Old Bee and Snape. After all, have to be guarded.

Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Anime & Comics · AsFBlack


Maybe venomous tentacula?

In fact, Professor McGonagall herself owned a small house in Hogsmeade, which her husband had purchased to facilitate her work at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, shortly after her marriage, her husband, Elphinstone Urquart, died unexpectedly from the bite of a poisonous tentacle.

Master Druid in Hogwarts.

Master Druid in Hogwarts.

Movies · inferno303

Replied to Octaval_Salt2422

he kind of is though

Superboy said while looking away.

Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

TV · Saintbarbido

Replied to BanTheKitten

It’s on webtoon as well.

I began by strengthening my bones using carbon lattices, giving me added strength to withstand heavy blows. To protect myself from bleeding out in case of physical trauma, I installed micro hearts and shut-off valves around my arteries.

Tinkering With Life (GoT SI)

Tinkering With Life (GoT SI)

TV · elfon

Replied to 0_Nikki_0

Liege is just a title for someone you give fealty to. It can be used for both a lord or a king. Whichever is your direct superior

'Fighting alongside my Underlings feels right. I guess that's the difference, huh? Between a Lord and a King.'

Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Fantasy · Adam_K47xx

Replied to Spielar

he is but only because he's famous for saving three girls from having to go into prostitution

Daphne took it as a good sign that Harry remained unbothered by her dislike of Muggle religious icons. She had noted that bit about Harry lately. He seemed wholly unbothered by her dislike of muggle religions or their icons. She had thought Harry would classify her as a bigot but he seems more receptive and perhaps even understanding her dislike to some extend.

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre

Replied to Akisu

Or could just be an insult based on how similar his last name is to Weasel. We know Malfoy used enough in the books.

He had dealt with the likes of Ron Weasely before. The boy was a narcissistic attention-seeker and nothing else. The best way to deal with those types is to ignore their existence to their face while keeping an eye on them from afar. This method had worked in the past and he was sure it was going to work here as well.

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre


you need to MAINTAIN EYE-CONTACT when dealing with a Hippogriff.


So, he went for a deep bow keeping his eyes to the ground. A few seconds later he hesitantly looked up and was relieved to see Buckbeak also greeting him with a bow. He slowly reached out his hand once he straightened up and thankfully Buckbeak didn't bite it off. Instead, Buckbeak slowly nuzzled its head on his palm.

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre



"Always hated the Nazis but never got to kick them on their balls. I will settle for the Wizarding version of those fascist peacocks." Harry murmured before giving a clear cut foot straight to the balls of Karkaroff. He made sure to put the guy under two more stunners before creating some stag footsteps on the ground. He doubted Karkaroff will rattle off that he was assaulted in the woods but to be on the safe side he made it look like there were hoof marks. If someone bothered to look they would conclude it was a stag or a centaur.

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

The Lion Cub (HP SI)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre


Anyone else imagining 10 million cultivators showing up or is that just me

There are over a million Ice Giants warriors in this battle, my royal guard will remain on the walls to protect the city though. The Greeks have brought several of their creatures and other fighters numbering several million, along with most of the Greek gods taking part in this fight. The Mayans and Japanese have only half a million fighters with them each, as they are the smallest Pantheons of us all. The Asgardians have all mostly come to fight, numbering just over two million fighters. The Egyptians have brought just as many fighters as the Greeks. The Jade Emperor brought the most warriors, numbering just shy of ten million, and all of the different Chinese gods.

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Movies · Anomander_Adaar


The only thing unusual you might say there is about the eyes is that the color was set already as usually it takes 6-12 months for that to happen but before that there usually blue or grey so her eyes wouldn't be that unusual

"Sure thing," I say as I look down at my tiny daughter and see her crystal blue eyes looking back at me. Seems children of gods develop faster, as human newborns don't open their eyes until a few months after birth usually. I then hand Alice our daughter.

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Movies · Anomander_Adaar



Thor is not known for holding back, so as soon as the fight starts he rushes me calling his lightning down on me and raising Mjölnir to strike me with it. Not even holding back a little his full power is behind his lightning and hammer strike. I let his lightning hit me, as it does nothing to me, and catch Mjölnir in one hand as he comes down with it to strike me on the head. Seeing his full strength does nothing to me I can see the surprise in Thor's eyes and then excitement at a very difficult fight ahead of him. Spartan kicking him in the chest away from me, using just enough strength to not severely hurt him, he flies away crashing into the arena wall with a loud bang.

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Movies · Anomander_Adaar

Replied to Azathoth_PlotGod

Honestly don’t know if I’ll ever try it because whenever I think of it all I remember is this


"Mint chocolate chip for life!" Jess threw her hand into the air, though letting go of my own and she began sliding down a hill again. So she quickly grabbed back onto me as she cursed her quirk.

My Hero: Quirk Evolution

My Hero: Quirk Evolution

Anime & Comics · ZeOwl

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