

male LV 4
2020-08-18 Beigetreten Global
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Moments 2724
4 days ago
Replied to AMV_Weakly


6 days ago

high ass hell

"I can't believe this," I mutter, feeling my rage rise. "What are the odds that I'd land right into a situation like this as soon as I arrive in this new world..."

Marvel: Spider-Man - Potential Unleashed (Peter Si)

Marvel: Spider-Man - Potential Unleashed (Peter Si)

Anime & Comics · Demon_King22

10 days ago


"Four years ago, when I was fifteen, I was still a real human being. Though we were poor, and had to pinch pennies, we were still able to get by. We lived a peaceful and happy life together, until that fateful day, when a crazy cyborg went out of control, and attacked our town. We never knew why it happened, most likely a failed body modification generated an irregularity in his brain. He destroyed everything in sight. Parks, schools, buildings, my house, he even took the lives of everyone in my family. Miraculously, I survived, but being only a weak 15-year old, I was alone and at the end of my strength in a ruined town. That's when Doctor Kuseno happened to pass through. The doctor, a scientist for justice, was on a mission to stop the rampaging cyborg and end his oppression. I asked the doctor to give me body modification surgery to make me better, stronger, faster. That's how I was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice. I promised Doctor Kuseno I would terminate the evil cyborg and return peace to this world. It's been four years since that day. At nineteen years old, I'm focused and driven. I wander from town to town eliminating evil. The monsters and criminal organizations I have destroyed are numerous. But I have been unable to locate any clues about the insane cyborg, and have become increasingly frustrated and restless. I find myself chasing a virtual image of that cyborg whenever I face my enemies, and last week, when that mosquito monster appeared, I let my concentration slip and paid the price. I thought I could lose to no one but the rampaging cyborg, so I neglected to analyze the data on my opponent and rushed in headlong to confront her. The result, as you know, was that an enemy with immense strength bested me. If you had not been in the area, Master Saitama, I would've undoubtedly been destroyed. Master, you saved my life that day. The life that was once saved by Doctor Kuseno many years ago has now yet again been saved by you, Master Saitama, and I feel the weight of that responsibility. I must not allow myself to die before finding and destroying that cyborg once and for all, and to achieve that, I have to continue fighting evil as a righteous soldier until that fateful day comes when he appears before me.I need to get stronger. Last week, when I saw what your punch was capable of, I knew immediately that I had to study under you as your disciple. If only I could be as strong as you and become such awesome power. I have an old enemy who must be defeated at all costs. The battle is not for me alone. It is for my entire town, and Doctor Kuseno as well. I fully realize that I am still inexperienced, but now more than ever before, I need incredible strength so that I can eradicate the greatest of evils. Doctor Kuseno-"



Anime & Comics · Braggski

10 days ago

11 days ago


"Yeah no way, there is not a thought behind those eyes, the lights are on but no one's home. Not a speck of light behind those orbs, it's like looking at a bluescreen." It was a stupid little thing, perhaps since this world was clearly more anime and the world grew up with mana animals were smarter than average or just understood humans better.

Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck

11 days ago


I reached down slightly and petted the cat lying down with me across the couch. We had just finished the last episode of the Sword Art Online of this world, or should I say Bladeworks Online? There were no major differences except for Kibito and him having a catchphrase of "I'm gonna show you how to work the blade!".

Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck

11 days ago


"Kuro?" The cat stiffened up for some reason as if I was about to take its food away, what a whimsical creature. "Nah, that's too boring and generic. From henceforth you are Bobby Black the 3rd." The cat lifted its head up from its meal and gave me a look as if I was a bug it just squashed. What an emotive specimen.

Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck

11 days ago


"Can I... touch your boobs?" I asked the elemental in front of me like I was some blushing virgin, which yeah, I was. I felt like one of the perverted trio at the moment but you can't blame a hot-blooded teen who got a sexy cloud elemental for trying all right?

Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck

20 days ago


I thought for a moment. "What about... Sovereign?"

My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded

My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded

Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels

20 days ago
Replied to ImuSama
