

male LV 14

Just a dude who likes reading about fictional dudes.

2020-08-12 Beigetreten Global
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2 days ago

Alfred von Schleiffen? The man who supposedly came up with the legendary and fabled Schleiffen Plan?

In addition to having immediately recognized the failures of other generals in the field and capitalizing on such mistakes to achieve great success of his own. Even a man as stubborn as Alfred von Schleiffen had to admit that his past objections were unfounded.

Re: Blood and Iron

Re: Blood and Iron

War · Zentmeister

2 days ago
Replied to TheFooL

Art is an explosion.


With that said, the Mortar which Bruno designed would be further developed, tested, and experimented on. In the coming years, the German Empire would keep the existence of their lightweight mortars a secret from their rivals on the global stage. While further expanding on the variety of calibers, they could successfully be chambered in.

Re: Blood and Iron

Re: Blood and Iron

War · Zentmeister

4 days ago

I can’t say that I am surprised, but I am kind of disappointed as if Ace truly sees Luffy as his brother he wouldn’t take away the things that would help him. Nami is one of the most important crewmates on Luffy’s ship. She is the accountant, handling the finances. She is the reason why they went to Drum island. And most important of all she is the Navigator. But instead of thinking of his brother he thinks with his dick and tries to steal Nami. Like I said I am not shocked, read enough to kind of expect it, but it doesn’t mean I am not any less disappointed

"Whell, I just recently started so I haven't been able to find Nakama, until now that is." He said slightly embarrassed.

Fist Of Haki

Fist Of Haki

Anime & Comics · Passerby_Venne

4 days ago
Replied to Paymon

I would guess because magma for the common person is the same as lava and lava is the molten rock in the Earth which reaches hot temperatures

b) The flame flame no mi without its weaknesses.

Fist Of Haki

Fist Of Haki

Anime & Comics · Passerby_Venne

4 days ago

While I like Harems. I dislike the whole, I like them all and so I should get them all mentality. It’s like treating women like some pet where her opinion doesn’t matter. Its one thing if you have a partner and said partner actively allows for you to have partner, or if you have a deep discussion to see if your partner is okay with other members. I find it one of the reasons why harem stories fail is because eventually the MC gets caught up in obtaining more women that the women that he has already are left behind, wasting the feelings of readers.

Kai thought for a moment, then shrugged. It didn't matter. If the time came, he would take them both! He wasn't willing to give up either of them.

One Piece: I will become stronger by checking in

One Piece: I will become stronger by checking in

Anime & Comics · HeavenDestroying

4 days ago
Replied to CthulhuRlyeh

I kind of disagree. Let’s just say that the beauty of the three are more or less comparable and each have a traumatic past that they would have to overcome. Nami is more cowardly, more money grubbing of the three, but she younger and has Navigation skill. Robin has a dream that would require a lot of adventuring, is older, but is intelligent calm and collected. Boa is easily the most arrogant and disdainful of others, and I can see being the most jealous, but she has a type of loyalty that is unmatched by the other two. Dont get me wrong I do not think that Robin or Nami would easily betray, but I also cannot deny that it would be possible for Nami to be offered enough money, or Robin to be offered a rare poneglyph, which would make them hesitate. Personally, I like Robin’s intellect and calm personality, and dislike Nami’s greed and Boa’s arrogance. But it’s all up to a mixture of preference and chances.

Who could resist? The most beautiful woman in the world—arrogant and untouchable at first, but so devoted once she falls in love.

One Piece: I will become stronger by checking in

One Piece: I will become stronger by checking in

Anime & Comics · HeavenDestroying

4 days ago

A beauty maybe. But she is too greedy. I probably wouldn’t mesh well with Nami. I am more into Robin, Vivi, Rebecca, etc. though they have their own problems, I think I could get along more with them then with the money grubbing Nami.

Otherwise, he would have taken Nami with him. Having a navigator at sea would help avoid many dangers, and Nami would undoubtedly grow into a great beauty in the future... Oh well.

I Will Become Hokage in One Piece

I Will Become Hokage in One Piece

Anime & Comics · nyawdao3

5 days ago

I am sad. I expected this long before, but it still makes me sad.

He never expected that Mizutani Shizuko would die like this, which made his brain freeze for a moment.

Grind is My Ninja Way

Grind is My Ninja Way

Anime & Comics · Belamy_2024

5 days ago
Replied to MalVonDoom

I am pretty sure that the Asuka, the Uzumaki, is interested if I am led to believe. I think it was said that she is the same age as Kushina.

Shūichi shrugged. "Danzo-sama, I have no interest in the position of Hokage, nor in power struggles. My only interests are jutsu and women."

Konoha's Tag-System Ninja

Konoha's Tag-System Ninja

Anime & Comics · iRedX43

5 days ago

Just about everyone of these has a relationship. Hashirama, The First Tobirama, Brother of the First, Hiruzen, Student of the Second Minato, Grand-student of the Third Tsunade, Student of the Third. Danzo, Student of the Second, Kakashi, Student of the Fourth Naruto, Student of the Sixth Shikamaru, Student of the son of the Third. All are related in some way, whether by blood or by student-master relationship.

There isn't even a consistent sensei-student relationship between them.

Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Anime & Comics · lookar