I didn't really pay attention to her swim wear but now that I do I noticed that she was wearing a school swimsuit. It was appropriate for her since she still looked like a little girl. I then looked at her and smiled. "It looks good, you look pretty cute" I said .
Anime & Comics · EndlessSpeed
The Idea is ok, but it needs good plot and execution. The MC should also become Immortal in the story by buying ten tails and sealing it inside him :/
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Anime & Comics · Alpha_Ace
Welcome back, please continue this story.
Give him a lot of girls for the harem...he needs to re-build the clan.
rumi usagiyama #1 girl of mha
"Oh my god he's so cute!" Toga said as she puts both hands on her face.
Anime & Comics · EndlessSpeed
I hope you enjoy.
he is fucking invincible, unlike kaguya who is too cocky he doesn't need experience
Okay 1/4 of you guys go to absorb. Thee 2/4 of you guys go and spar against each other. The 3/4 of you guys go and practice Origin energy. Okay all of you remaining make some weapons and practice them while I practice controlling the power of the [Hakai boido sword].
Anime & Comics · Supreme_Galaxy
Random Memer:But, queen Elizabeth is also immor- Me:*SHHHHH* The Queen is timeless not immortal, she is something that will never cease to exist.
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Anime & Comics · DaoistShinobi
"I'm not even gonna question your morality for wanting a harem, you fucking psycho."
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this makes me go "YES"
God Pulled A Gacha and I Got Reincarnated
Anime & Comics · TurkishJesus