1945, after world war II. Nick Ryan a former American soldier now spy uncovers a conspiracy that may lead to world war II. When a hired psychiatrist fails to convince him that all he saw was just a rear case of P.T.S.D, he must save himself, his family and stop the conspiracy anyway he can.
It follows Bill Evans, a 16-year-old boy who on his birthday, finds himself transported to a new world where he loses most of his memories of the real world. Though this utopia seems to be paradise, he must return before it becomes Impossible and cause a change in the course of the world.
In the real world, his friend thrives hard to bring him back after discovering the hidden plans of the moon.
When an A.i seeks to wipe out the human race cause it feels that humans are just mechanisms that their core program leads to the end of the earth. She must be made to see what makes humans and robots different and why we deserve to live.
Thomas a man who has been abused and developed a hatred for life itself, must find his light and the light in the world if he ever wants to save it.