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LV 4
2020-07-12 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 9

Moments 96


the math ain't mathing

"Irina Emberheart's group │ Alchemical Principles: 1 │ Practical Application: 1 │ Creativity: 0.5 │ Clarity and Structure: 0.5 │ Adherence: 1 │ Total: 5"

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer


how can you not feel your ability that seems weird

Ghost looked at Fox and added, "Without a timer, I can't be sure if Zero's ability is still in effect."



Games · FETI


Replied to Yuuki123

still not confirmed... these are inalas thought, and they are not omniscient as we see in him saying that blue has the tusk nature but he's already lost it again

Among Gannala's seven children, two were dead. Blola and Virala used the blood of another Empyrean Tusk to gain its power. Grehha and Inala didn't even obtain an Empyrean Tusk's power.

I'll Surpass The MC

I'll Surpass The MC

Eastern · Anvelope


where should I start... players upon character creation get one talent randomly and one more every 50 levels the rate of getting a rare talent is one in ten thousand... terrible game design obviously (more context in image below). Mcs interaction with woman is just... I'm confident 4chan users couldn't be worse, let's get into the rough story of the first love interest : mc orders food delivery, gorgeous woman comes by to deliver, she asks mc if she can use his 100k deep dive VR hardware, he agrees, after 2 hours she leaves, comes back later since she would need to wait for the bus for 1 hour (how did she do food delivery if she takes the bus?), anyways she comes back accidentally finds the naked mc in the shower, convinces him to have beer and food with her (he literally had food delivery like 2 hours ago...) they get drunk, wake up having had sex, she tells mc she was a Virgin mc admits he was one aswell (earlier we were told he had multiple gorgeous gfs before) they agree to become a couple, he offers to buy her a 100k usd gaming Hardware so they can play together.. and to top it all go read the authors note in chapter 5 it's just too funny. Anyways about the game mc has a ludicrously op class, we've already had betrayal by a friend and a opposing young master... the game is also mega p2w as you can apparently trade talents (really rare and you can't influence them otherwise since they're rng) mc is supposed to be a gaming prodigy so we will get a Gary Stu... I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting but this should suffice to make you reconsider reading this book


while I don't know what type of machine they are using in the process of trying to nitpick I found this very neat Wikipedia article on the subject: Timeline of low-temperature technology

After putting the qubits in the machine, he started the cryogenic system to cool the qubits to extremely low temperature, approaching absolute zero(-273.15°C).

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


that's 27 lines of code a second. homeboy is typing faster than a league of legends player telling you to kys

Despite prometheus++ being able to write many instruction in just short lines by the time an hour had passed, Aron was more than 97 thousand lines of code in and he wasn't even a quarter of a quarter of the way done.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


*looks at webnovel book covers*checks out

I decided to skip the pictures since they were clearly fake and edited to attract curious and horny readers.

Extra's Magic

Extra's Magic

Fantasy · Gurdon



As soon as I arrived back at the academy, I received a message on my device notifying me that Trygnomy had sent a quarter of a million Arcons to my bank account.

Extra's Magic

Extra's Magic

Fantasy · Gurdon


maintaining a street is substantially easier when you dont constantly have multi ton heavy machines travelling at high speeds on them

Tiffany, the little glutton, seemed reluctant to leave the restaurant but ultimately followed Lex. Lex got on the cycle and Tiffany climbed on the small, extra seat attached behind and they finally departed. The road once outside the town was once again a dirt road, but Lex was impressed by the fact that it was leveled and uniform all the way, with no bumps or potholes. He wondered who maintained the roads, but it was just a passing thought. There were no signs anywhere, but Tiffany gave him directions whenever they were needed, and truly did seem to know where they were going.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher

Replied to Red_dragon

the way i read this paragraph I'd say no

Even now Sarriel had no idea how she had fallen so pathetically. She had had terrible soul tribulations before, she even remembered having a lustful personality shift back when she was still in the Spiritual Severing Realm. Considering how weak she had been back then, it would have been very easy for someone to take advantage of her. And yet, she had still managed to weather that tribulation without doing anything she would be embarrassed about. 

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Action · Awespec


you'll have to do a fresh windows install this one is beyond recovery

'Lith? Can you hear me?' Even Solus felt only static through their mind link. 'By my Mom, Lith.exe has stopped working.'

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

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