Puck was the Beast Of The End, but right now was just a spirit and familiar he created. As they slept, 2B raised her head before she stepped aside from the door. Grayfia and Diablo walked inside together as it was time for Samuel to awaken.
Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
hay you guys
Link (I haven't IMGs 9_9, I let it to your imagination)
Anime & Comics · AeneasCalyx
NO it is still a sharp and extremely durable holly sword and a B rank noble phantom
It looked similar to Saber Lily's version but with subtle differences. The blade had intricate golden engravings running along its length, glowing faintly when I channeled magic through it.
Anime & Comics · _TheWatcher_
Death Blossom Kha'Zix: Grants the ability to evolve into a mimetic plant, making his true form appear as beautiful and harmless as a plant. Redemption conditions are unknown.
Anime & Comics · MythicForge
Fairy Tail: To save the kiddies at the tower.
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
get better soon
so many choices some very powerful lore wise anyway some not so much
- League of Legends
Movies · StrikerAuthor
There were a pair of white wings on his back and a red gauntlet on his right arm.
Anime & Comics · Phelio_n_Craze
PS : Current MC Image
Naruto: Copy System
Anime & Comics · DragonnX