Personally I really love everything about the book but for some reason it just won’t let me onto the next episode using a fast pass or coins I don’t know if it’s a problem on my end or it’s like that for everyone because it works with other comics and novels
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Good and you
TEll me when you Change your profile picture
😂🤣🤣🤣🤣699 lol
"STR: 612, AGL: 803, STA: 602, MAG: 699.... Not bad, I would say.
Fantasy · ZenAnime
Who was Counting???
The truck driver puts a brake to the truck but even though he did that the truck end up hitting Tatsuya and he flies and rolls thrice in the sky before landing on his back.
Fantasy · ZenAnime
Well I’m glad I’m not alone it really is a good book thoughhh tell me if they fix it