not to mention how it would be viewed if just because a guy wanted to be a parent he is given right to choose from a catalogue of women to put his sperm to get the child in 9 months. That's the same too.
Of course, there were those who lived with one wife, even if not many. They were not imprisoned, despite the legislation, but such men were obliged to donate their sperm to special clinics where IVF and AI - artificial insemination, or simply artificial insemination - were performed. Since it was impossible to provide all women with men, the state had to somehow switch the unloved ladies to other things. In particular, children. That's how single mothers like my mum came to be.
Anime & Comics · FanFictionPremium
So essentially men are oppressed to become a role of genetic variants and child production chargers? Just think the opposite a women had to always have to get pregnant the moment she is adult every year. sounds wrong right?
Of course, there were those who lived with one wife, even if not many. They were not imprisoned, despite the legislation, but such men were obliged to donate their sperm to special clinics where IVF and AI - artificial insemination, or simply artificial insemination - were performed. Since it was impossible to provide all women with men, the state had to somehow switch the unloved ladies to other things. In particular, children. That's how single mothers like my mum came to be.
Anime & Comics · FanFictionPremium
Men are needed for the purpose of genetic variation, because if only women is needed then at some point it would be clones. Even a female oriented genetical beings such as bees also have 2 genders because of the same reason as why any species would have 2 except interchangeable gendered species. It's a matter of genetic variation if not we all would be just a multicellular amoeba.with differently placed organs and muscles.
And naturally this imbalance affected the institution of marriage. In the past world I heard such an idea from scientists, saying that a man is not as important for the population as a woman, so even if there are fewer of them, it will not be a catastrophe. And this world proved the correctness of these statements. It was different in all countries, but specifically in the USA it was legislated that men should have two wives before the age of 25. So where do you put the extra 3-4? So you don't have to stop at two, you can have ten if you can handle it. But even in spite of, as I understood, increased libido of men (which is a natural evolutionary moment in this world, vital I would say) very few men took more than two wives. By the way, there were quite a few politicians promising to increase the number of compulsory wives to four. And it helped to get a lot of votes in elections, but it has not been legislated yet.
Anime & Comics · FanFictionPremium
Equality is dream that can't be achieved if we are having different abilities that we can perform. But equality chance is a much better choice of word. But anyway.
In general, this very gender bias was in all living beings on this planet with two sexes and humans were no exception. It's just that in primitive society men were the main ones because of the importance of strength in survival. But as the first civilisations formed, things got more complicated and women started to break out as men. Heh, pun intended. So gradually they came to equality, though some jobs were mostly assigned to certain genders. The rulers didn't look at gender either, with rare exceptions, where men were still in charge. Or, for example, priests of some gods could be people only of a certain sex.
Anime & Comics · FanFictionPremium
where is gender equality when a gender outnumbered another? because of this reason men are sanctioned and women given more rights in our world. so doesn't that mean that concept also would be reversed in that world instead of equality? it's like saying the problem is with only men, I am not blaming, but the idea that by overpowering a group in numbers equality can be achieved is a wrong assumption because it's just oppression with role reversed, not equality. And since from time back if gender ratio was reversed, so many cultural nuances would defer or the reason must have been a massive war where even children if boys had to participate and got annihilated. you understand the complexities of such a world, righ? I wanted some accurate depiction even if it is fictional in a story, that's all.
For example, equality between the sexes was achieved in many countries before our era. Not surprising, since women outnumber men by an average of six to one. Try shaking rights around here. Of course, in some countries there were very strict rules and women were kept in a black body, through severe punishments and other things, but such countries did not exist for a long time. It's hard to develop well if most of your subjects are disenfranchised cattle. And the cattle that bear you children and live near you, and not as the same slaves. This was often used by neighbours and rivals of such countries.
Anime & Comics · FanFictionPremium
Hmm... if the reference is too much for someone who didn't watch it, then it would be...
[True Essence of Ten Thousand Tempers: Anything done with focus and dedication will yield twice the result!]
Anime & Comics · ElvenKing20
I did binge HxH but I don't think I am open to a similar one without a motivation 😅 let's hope I watch it some time
[True Essence of Ten Thousand Tempers: Anything done with focus and dedication will yield twice the result!]
Anime & Comics · ElvenKing20
"How dare you go against me, Blade Lute? You're quite bold! Fine, if I don't teach you two kids a lesson today, I'll reverse my name! Attack!" Lute lifted a large sword and swung it toward Kuina.
Anime & Comics · ElvenKing20
wait secret realms? wouldn't there be elders waiting there with the clans youth?
Still, he had a bold hypothesis: these special locations might correspond to the unique spaces that appeared when Pokémon first manifested in this world—Secret Realms!
Anime & Comics · Madbot635
gimme the name, let's see
[True Essence of Ten Thousand Tempers: Anything done with focus and dedication will yield twice the result!]
One Piece: With Sign-in System
Anime & Comics · ElvenKing20