şimdi 1 fransız 1 rus 1 japon ve 1 türk varmış, fransız demiş ki ben 2 karpuz taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki birini bi elimde diğerini bi elimde taşırım. rusda demişki ben 4 tane taşırım. ikisini elimde ikisini koltuk altımda demiş. Japonda demiş ki ben 5 tane taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki iki elimde. iki koltuk altımda. Diğerinide s*kime takarım. türkde demişki ben 9 tane taşırım. demişler ki nası? o da demişki iki elime iki koltuk altıma. japonuda s*kime takarım demiş.
Friction becomes useless on them with their speedster aura.
He gave me a reasonable distance and time period to make his approach, ensuring that he wouldn't draw any unwanted attention. As the young man walked in my direction, he only glanced at me briefly before turning his gaze elsewhere, trying to appear inconspicuous. However, just as he was about to collide with me, I tapped my feet on the ground and erased the frictional force beneath his shoes. The sudden loss of traction sent him slipping and stumbling forward, right in front of me.
Anime & Comics · Maverick_DaSupreme
How tf did you uploaded it?
second to last one conscious. Koneko being the last.
Anime & Comics · some_writer
both are trash
(Jjk or Naruto?)
Anime & Comics · some_writer
Dio hair.
"What I need is a fucking haircut first. This Yee Yee Ass Haircut isn't gonna let me become the Harem King. "
Anime & Comics · some_writer
that dude must be sh*tting bricks fr
"As long as I like, dipshit! Go poop somewhere else!!
Anime & Comics · some_writer
Sure she was rather tall standing at around 10ft tall where as I stand at 6'5" in comparison, but that didn't reduce my interest in her.
Anime & Comics · OneMoreScore
isnt dio are 1.95?
Sure she was rather tall standing at around 10ft tall where as I stand at 6'5" in comparison, but that didn't reduce my interest in her.
Anime & Comics · OneMoreScore
Dunno man. We will see in the further updates.
I didn't really know much about the City's hero and I would like to know about his endeavors first hand. So I decided to visit The Flash Museum, take a tour and get to have a better understanding about the speedster.
Anime & Comics · Maverick_DaSupreme
Nah, He's just becoming... Himself. Yeah. Accelerator must do Accelerator things...
Gwen's digital interface flickered response, clearly taken aback by Tom's sudden change in demeanor. "Sir, are you alright? Your behavior is somewhat...unusual."
Anime & Comics · Maverick_DaSupreme